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Now you've got it, there you sit like a mummy and let your mind be so filled with this idiotic drivel that you're not ever reading John Jardine's letter that is to tell you what both of us are crazy to know." "If you were in any mood to be fair and honest, you'd admit that you never read a finer letter than THAT," said Kate. "As for THIS, I never was so AFRAID in all my life. Look at that!"

This is just the sort of thing to get right at them. It'll hit them where they live. What made you think of that drivel at the end of Act Two?" "Genius, I suppose. What do you think of James as a part for you?" "Top hole. Good Lord, I haven't congratulated you! Consider it done." "Thanks." We drained our liqueur glasses to The Girl who Waited and to ourselves.

Day after day and night after night we have wandered among the crumbling wonders of Rome; day after day and night after night we have fed upon the dust and decay of five-and-twenty centuries have brooded over them by day and dreampt of them by night till sometimes we seemed moldering away ourselves, and growing defaced and cornerless, and liable at any moment to fall a prey to some antiquary and be patched in the legs, and "restored" with an unseemly nose, and labeled wrong and dated wrong, and set up in the Vatican for poets to drivel about and vandals to scribble their names on forever and forevermore.

Either his ears, like his eyes, were playing him tricks, or else this waiter-chappie was talking pure drivel. "What's that?" "Sir?" "What did you say?" "I said, 'No, sir, I have no brother'." "Didn't you say something else?" "No, sir." "What?" "No, sir." Reggie's worst suspicions were confirmed. "Good God!" he muttered. "Then I am!"

"I think we have heard enough," the now-fully-embarrassed and half-angered host said. "It was amusing for awhile, but it's time to put an end to this nonsense." "It is not nonsense," the traveler protested. "It is the truth." "Then you really believe this madman's drivel you've been feeding us?" the host asked, rather hotly. "Of course. How can I not believe it? I see it and live it every day.

Even our most dignified and reliable newspapers are never loath to publish such thrilling drivel; and their ignorant readers gulp it all down, apparently with a relishing shudder; for the dear public not only loves to be fooled, but actually gloats over that sort of thing, since it is their hereditary belief.

The real case against our Egyptian adventure was stated long ago by Randolph Churchill, when he denounced "a bondholder's war"; it is in the whole business of collecting debts due to cosmopolitan finance. But a stranger in Egypt hears little denunciation of cosmopolitan finance, and a great deal of drivel in the way of cosmopolitan idealism.

And there were so many homes like that. Men who were perfect giants by day would become the gentlest babies at night, allowing their wives to read to them such sentimental drivel as would have been kicked from the office by day. "But God knows they need such vacuous homes," I reflected, "to rest in." I had never dreamed before how strenuous men's lives could be.

I made a bed for him with my own clothing on the hard rock, and bathed him and made him drink, while all the time a string of delirious drivel poured forth from his hot, dry lips. That lasted many hours, until finally he fell into a deep, calm sleep. But his body was without fuel, and I was convinced he would never awaken; yet I feared to touch him.

"I don't think I shall," was the evasive answer. "I wonder," he said. She felt him looking hard into her face, and moved restlessly beneath a scrutiny that quickened her pulses and warmed her blood in a way that was altogether new. Then suddenly she looked up. "Don't you think we are rather talking drivel? Let's get back to the original subject.