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Don't you go to the front yet a while, young man. We need the best we have in reserve." He glanced critically at Stephen. "You've had military training of some sort?" "He's a captain in the Halleck Guards, sir," said Mr. Brinsmade, generously, "and the best drillmaster we've had in this city. He's seen service, too, General."

My father is powerful in this place; we shall barely have time to escape. Alvan's resolution was taken. 'Some friend a lady living in the city here name her, quick! one you can trust, he said, and fondled her hastily, much as a gentle kind of drillmaster straightens a fair pupil's shoulders. 'Yes, you have shown courage. Now it must be submission to me.

Any one who goes to her with an established voice can learn a great deal from her in the interpretation of many rôles. She is an admirable teacher of expression and of the general conception of a character. As a drillmaster she is altogether admirable.

The sight of the short, fat, bald drillmaster, with his wig awry, endeavoring to climb a little tree was too much for the dignity of the boys and they burst into a roar of laughter. They had no thought of consequences, no fear of future punishment, but just laughed as hard as they could. Then there was a sudden cry of alarm around a turn in the road. "Hallo! what's that?" cried Arthur.

Don't you go to the front yet a while, young man. We need the best we have in reserve." He glanced critically at Stephen. "You've had military training of some sort?" "He's a captain in the Halleck Guards, sir," said Mr. Brinsmade, generously, "and the best drillmaster we've had in this city. He's seen service, too, General."

"If you take another such risk you will be prohibited from going on the river at all. As it is, you will not go out again to-day." Herring knew that there was no appeal from this decision, as the colonel was the physical instructor as well as drillmaster, and the doctor never disputed his word in cases which were so palpably just as in this instance.

Chairman, for you appear to have assumed that position, whether you intend to favor us with your valuable services as drillmaster." Frank rose, with a flushed face. "I am glad to be reminded of one thing, which I had forgotten," he said. "As this is a meeting for the transaction of business, it is proper that it should be regularly organized. Will some one nominate a chairman?"

I look forward to the time when to be an efficient drillmaster in this newer sense of the term will be to have reached one of the pinnacles of professional skill. But there is another side of teaching that must be supervised. Although habit is responsible for nine tenths of conduct, the remaining tenth must not be neglected.

Where are they, and how many of 'em do you want us to count?" asked Monty Scruggs, at which the other boys snickered. They were getting very tired of the drill, and in the humor to nag and balk the drillmaster. Si lost a trifle of his temper, and said: "You're too all-fired smart with your tongue, Scruggs. If you were only half as smart learnin' your business "

Don't you go to the front yet a while, young man. We need the best we have in reserve." He glanced critically at Stephen. "You've had military training of some sort?" "He's a captain in the Halleck Guards, sir," said Mr. Brinsmade, generously, "and the best drillmaster we've had in this city. He's seen service, too, General."