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I begged him not to go bathing, but he only laughed at me, saying, 'I can protect myself in the water. His death was the exact working out of the premonition of his death." The student of dream-lore knows the ego is ever watchful, and it always impresses the lower mind when danger approaches. There are also cases which appear to indicate when the ego is unable to impress the individual.

"Fellers, you want to mark whut you dream about, to-night: hit'll shore come true to-morrow." "Yes: but you mustn't tell whut yer dream was till the hunt's over, or it'll spile the charm." There ensued a grave discussion of dream-lore, in which the illiterates of our party declared solemn faith. If one dreamt of blood, he would surely see blood the next day.

Cherries, again, indicate inconstancy; but one would scarcely expect to find the thistle regarded as lucky; for, according to an old piece of folk-lore, to dream of being surrounded by this plant is a propitious sign, foretelling that the person will before long have some pleasing intelligence. In the same way a similar meaning in dream-lore attaches to the thorn.

But it was strange and remarkable that a certain dream to which she herself attached no significance and whereof her dream-lore made no mention, always repeated itself in connection with a certain experience of mine in my night and day life.

Her trouble arose from her not being able to recall, though she was well versed in dream-lore, just what event was foreshadowed by a dream of finding a wounded man. If the wounded man were of her own race, her dream would thus far have been realized, and having met the young man, the other joys might be expected to follow.

Many plants in dream-lore have more than one meaning attached to them. To dream of garlic indicates the discovery of hidden treasures, but the approach of some domestic quarrel.