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She met Miss Trumbull in the lower hall. Outraged virtue had given way to an expression of self-satisfied importance. "Well, I'm real glad they're married," she drawled. "It warn't in human nature not to listen, and I did I ain't goin' to deny it, but I couldn't have slept a wink if I hadn't. Ain't you glad I told you?"

She drew back imperceptibly, amused, but asserting her dignity. "Yes?" she led him on, though in no accent of encouragement. "Back there, in the river," he drawled deliberately, forcing the pace, "I found you beautiful." She flushed, lip curling. "And, back there, in the river, I thought you a gentleman!" "Although a burglar?" "A gentleman for all that!"

Yet she could not resist the impulse of excitement. "No, you didn't hear. You were out of the room." "What about? Something about HIM? I hope it wasn't horrid. How could it be?" "He said," Alice drawled with a touch of girlishly spiteful indifference, "that if he was one of the poor Gareth-Lawlesses he hadn't much chance of succeeding to the title.

"That was turning the tables with a vengeance," drawled "Dye," from his perch on an upturned pail. "I wonder if he was any relation to 'Cutlets'?" "A lineal ancestor, I'll bet a biscuit," chimed in "Hay." "Don't you remember the quotation, 'By these acts you will know their forefathers, or something like that?"

She drawled along for five minutes, reproaching him with his perfidy, and grew quite motherly. "Now you've got a nice little wife of your own you have," she said. "She's ten times too good for a fat old man like you, and, look he-ere, you never told me a word about her, and I've been thinkin' about it a good deal, and I think you're a liar." Wasn't that delicious?

Next, there scaled the cemetery wall and stealthily stretched themselves on the ground, so that they looked not unlike the far-flung shadows of the cemetery's crosses, a file of dark, tattered figures of beggars, while on the further side of the slowly darkening greenery a cantor drawled in sluggish, careless accents: "E-e-ternal me-e "

"So," he drawled, "my good friend has come to visit his neighbour! Come right in, I assure you a hearty welcome, but you must come alone! Your retainers are too numerous and entirely too bourgeois to eat at a gentleman's table." "But not to drink from his bottle," retorted MacNair. "I am coming in but not alone!" Lapierre laughed derisively. "O-ho, you would come by force by force of arms, eh!

And I'll bet you now that I'll have you in love and sprinting toward the altar before we meet again at this club. Do you dare bet?" "The terms of the wager, kind friend?" drawled Kerns, delighted; and he fished out a notebook kept for such transactions.

As for the said companions, they sort of stood back and sized up my points, good and bad and I've a notion they laid heavy odds against me, and had me down in the Also Ran bunch. I overheard one of them remark, when I was coming up from the stables: "Here's the son and heir come, let's kill him!" Another one drawled: "What's the use? The bounty's run out."

"Good mawning," drawled out the spokesman of the party. "I allow thish-yers the railroad, I heern it was a-comin'." "Yes, this is the railroad; all but the rails and the ironhorse." "I reckon you kin git all the rails you want oaten my white oak timber over, thar," replied the first speaker, who appeared to be a man of property and willing to strike up a trade.