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"They're a silly lot," said Dickie, with a brave effort at a tired drawl. "But Rosie, now " "Oh, she's not like the rest of them. She's rather jolly." "Conceited little beggar, though, I suppose?" "No, sir; not a bit. She's just the right kind." Then Dickie flushed and the conversation lapsed suddenly. We were to go sailing on the river next morning, but when the time came Dickie pleaded delay.

With numerous interruptions and humorous interpolations, they finally managed to tell me in their exasperatingly slow drawl that Rad had come back to the hotel that afternoon before the rest of the party, had drunk two glasses of brandy, called for his horse, and galloped off without speaking a word to anyone except to swear at the stable boy.

The Abbot turned his angry eyes away from them and bent them upon the accused, who met his searching gaze with a firm and composed face. "What hast thou to say, brother John, upon these weighty things which are urged against you?" "Little enough, good father, little enough," said the novice, speaking English with a broad West Saxon drawl.

Unlike Deroulede he was of great height, with fair hair and a somewhat lazy expression in his good-natured blue eyes, and as he spoke, there was just a soupcon of foreign accent in the pronunciation of the French vowels, a certain drawl of o's and a's, that would have betrayed the Britisher to an observant ear.

But I won't dissemble. I haven't the remotest notion what needs to be done. I'm afraid this is the first time in my life I have ever touched anything belonging to a horse. He said it with a pathetic drawl, and she laughed. 'And yet you're English. 'Oh, I dare say I'm English enough. Though I don't see how you knew it. Don't tell me you knew it from my accent.

"I should think you'd take a hand," said I. "Poker? With them kittens?" One flash of the inner man lightened in his eyes and died away, and he finished with his gentle drawl, "When I play, I want it to be interestin'." He took out Sir Walter's Kenilworth once more, and turned the volume over and over slowly, without opening it.

"And 'It's a long way to Tipperary' could be taken as 'Lengthen your Range," said one of the Australian officers in his soft drawl; while the exuberance reached its climax when some one suggested that "Waiting for the Robert E. Lee" might be whistled to indicate that the Divisional Commander was expected at any moment.

Sladdery's high connexion, people who know nothing and ever did know nothing about her, think it essential to their reputation to pretend that she is their topic too, and to retail her at second- hand with the last new word and the last new manner, and the last new drawl, and the last new polite indifference, and all the rest of it, all at second-hand but considered equal to new in inferior systems and to fainter stars.

Four Stable and play with the old beggar and feed him sugar nearly every day." Yorke laughed mischievously, and was silent awhile. "Gully's knocked about a deuce of a lot," he resumed presently. "Now and again he'll open up a bit and talk, but mostly he's as close as an oyster and the way he can drop that drawl and come out 'flat-footed' with the straight turkey why, it'd surprise you!

She had often longed to go to Baronmead, and she was already thoroughly at her ease with the master thereof, who sat and conversed beside her in that rather monotonous, tired drawl of his. It was only the thought of Anne that made her nervous.