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I am not prepared to accept the solution of this problem as satisfactory evidence of ideation, but I do know that few observers could have watched the behavior of the orang utan without being convinced that he was acting ideationally. Draw-in Experiment An interesting contrast with the box and pole test is furnished by what may be called the draw-in experiment.

Certain men were looking for each other, and it was a question of "draw-in' quick 'n' shootin' quick" when the two met by accident, or of getting the advantage "from the bresh." In time Steve Marcum had come face to face with old Steve Brayton in Hazlan, and the two Steves, as they were known, drew promptly.

In so far as he attended to things about the cage or laboratory, it seemed to be rather to play with them in a general way than to use them ideationally or otherwise for definite purposes. The definitely negative result of the draw-in experiment rendered needless prolonged observation with the box and pole test, whose results are now to be presented. Box and Pole Experiment

For Sobke, as for Julius and Skirrl, the draw-in test was made by putting food on a shelf outside the cage, beyond the reach of the animal, and placing in the cage with the animal one or two sticks long enough to be used for drawing in the bait. Sobke was first given this test on July 24.

He did not once reach in at the ends of the box, but he did handle the poles, throwing them about and pounding with them. There was not the slightest attempt to use them in obtaining the bait. This experiment was later repeated three times at intervals of a number of days, but in no case did Skirrl show any tendency to use the poles as means of obtaining the food. Draw-in Experiment

In a few strides he reached the three-foot-diameter spoke tube through which the flood of water would pour during a draw-in action such as that they had had during the flare; let himself over the side head first, let go and began falling down the seventy-nine foot length of the tube, accelerated by the light pseudo-gravity of the spin.

It is practically certain that both of these monkeys would have succeeded ultimately in solving the problem of obtaining the food had they been left in the cage with a number of boxes, for Skirrl very early indicated interest in moving the boxes about, and Sobke showed a tendency in that direction which perhaps was inhibited partially by his distrust of the experimenter. Draw-in Experiment

He by no means limited himself to this, but in difficult situations he almost invariably reached for food or manipulated objects in connection with food getting with the left hand. Likewise, figure 34 exhibits the use of the left hand in the draw-in experiment. So marked was Julius's preference for his left hand that I became interested in observing similar phenomena in the monkeys.

He's a regular Jew." "That is a drawback to a servant, of course " Shorthouse spoke slowly, with his eyes on his plate. "A drawback," interrupted the other with an ugly chuckle, "I call it a draw-in, that's what I call it." "A draw-in does seem a more accurate term," assented Shorthouse. "But," he went on, "I thought that nature abhorred a vacuum.