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He was about to set his foot in the stirrup when the apprehensive glance with which he was peering around shifted down to the cañon. His gaze traveled back from the near edge of the chasm, up the two hundred yards of slope, and rested on the yearling as though estimating its weight. It was a fat, thoroughbred Hereford. He could not lift it on his pony, and he had no rope to use as a drag-line.

Charlton walked up and down the shore, and wished he might take the drag-line into his own hands; but the mistaken kindness of our friends refuses us permission to do for our own dead, when doing anything would be a relief, and when doing for the dead would be the best possible utterance to the hopeless love which we call grief. Mrs.

"Do let me make the first trial, father!" Captain Vane was fastening the drag-line to the fore part of the light sledge, and refused, at first, to listen to the boy's entreaties, fearing that some accident might befall him. "You know how accustomed I am to manage the kites, father. There's not the least fear; and I'll be superhumanly cautious." There was no resisting Benjy's tone and eyes.

"'Scuse it, please I'll be good," and the careful checking and testing of every vital part of the space-suits went on. Satisfied at last that the armor was spaceworthy, Stevens picked up the coils of drag-line, built of a non-metallic fiber which could retain its flexibility and strength in the bitter cold of outer space, and led the girl into the air-lock. "Heavens, Steve!