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"The foreigner?" said he, as if there were so many in his experience that some discrimination was called for. "Oh ay, the Coont. A gey queer birkie yon! He's no' awa yet. He's sittin' on his dowp yet, waitin' a dispensation o' Providence that'll gie him a heeze somewhere else." "Is he is he with her?" said Simon. "Oh, thereaboots, thereaboots," admitted Mungo, cautiously.

"I didn't mean to offend you," he said. "You'd better not. Wait here a minutes, while I look around for some one of whom I can make inquiries. Here, sit dowp on that settee, and, mind you, don't stir till I come back. Will you obey me?" "Yes," answered the boy, submissively. Willis Ford went to the station master, who stood at the door with a cheap cigar in his mouth.

He came stolidly forward tramping through the bog with his boots newly greased with what remained of the smooth candle "dowp" with which he had sleeked his flaxen locks. It may be well to explain that there is a latent meaning, apparent only to Galloway folk of the ancient time, in the word "cuif." It conveys at once the ideas of inefficiency and folly, of simplicity and the ignorance of it.

And yon place, ye see, Davie whilk was a very suitable place to hide in, as I'm free to own was pit mirk from dawn to gloaming. "How did you know the hour to bide your tryst?" I asked. "The goodman brought me my meat and a drop brandy, and a candle- dowp to eat it by, about eleeven," said he. "So, when I had swallowed a bit, it would he time to be getting to the wood.

There he sat on his dowp, an' cawed the shuttle and smiled like creish. "God be guid to us," says Tam Dale, "this is no canny!" He had jimp said the word, when Tod Lapraik cam to himsel'. "Is this you, Tam?" says he. "Haith, man! I'm blythe to see ye. I whiles fa' into a bit dwam like this," he says; "it's frae the stamach."

There he sat on his dowp, an' cawed the shuttle and smiled like creish. "God be guid to us," says Tam Dale, "this is no canny?" He had jimp said the word, when Tod Lapraik cam to himsel'. "Is this you, Tam?" says he. "Haith, man! I'm blythe to see ye. I whiles fa' into a bit dwam like this," he says; "its frae the stamach."

There he sat on his dowp, an' cawed the shuttle and smiled like creish. "God be guid to us," says Tam Dale, "this is no' canny!" He had jimp said the word, when Tod Lapraik cam to himsel'. "Is this you, Tam?" says he. "Haith, man! I'm blithe to see ye. I whiles fa' into a bit dwam like this," he says; "it's frae the stamach."