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Main Bearings The bearing proper consists of a brass tube B with proper oil grooves. It has a dowel arm L which fits into a corresponding recess in the bearing cover and which prevents the bearing from turning. On this tube are three concentric tubes, C D E, each fitting over the other with some clearance so that the shaft is free to move slightly in any direction.

He bungled it considerably, but in the end he succeeded passably well. He extracted the loose tooth with his bayonet forceps and prepared the roots of the broken one as if for filling, fitting into them a flattened piece of platinum wire to serve as a dowel. But this was only the beginning; altogether it was a fortnight's work.

Addison spent the evenings in making out bills and attending to the correspondence; for there were other matters that had to be attended to besides the Rose-Quartz Spring. Besides the farm work we had to look after the hardwood flooring mill that summer and the white-birch dowel mill.

She drew in her breath quickly, and looked up at Bannon with a nervous little gesture. "I like it," she finally said, after a long silence, during which they had watched a big stick go up on one of the small hoists, to be swung into place and driven home on the dowel pins by Peterson's sledge. "Isn't Pete a hummer?" said Max. "I never yet saw him take hold of a thing that was too much for him."

As a matter of convenience I have devised a stick that facilitates the weighing. I take a dowel and attach to one end by glue and binding a bent piece of iron so fashioned that the extremity serves as a hook to draw the string and the bent portion permits the attachment of the scale. The dowel is marked off in inches so that one can test different lengths of draw.

The frames were of heavy construction held together at the corners by large dowel pins and were ornamented by suitable moldings broken around the reveals of the masonry and by molded sash guides in the frame.

Having cut them to length, take a hand plane and shave the last six inches of the rear end or shaftment so that the diameter is reduced to a trifle more than five-sixteenths of an inch at the extremity. Now comes the process of straightening your shafts. By squinting down the length of the dowel you can observe the crooked portions.

She drew in her breath quickly, and looked up at Bannon with a nervous little gesture. "I like it," she finally said, after a long silence, during which they had watched a big stick go up on one of the small hoists, to be swung into place and driven home on the dowel pins by Peterson's sledge. "Isn't Pete a hummer?" said Max. "I never yet saw him take hold of a thing that was too much for him."

Then he hammered the timber down on the iron dowel pins. "All right," he shouted to the engineer; "send up the next one." A few minutes later Bannon climbed out on the framing beside him. "Hello, Charlie!" said the boss, "I've been looking for you. They wired me you was coming." "Well, I'm here," said Bannon, "though I 'most met my death climbing up just now. Where do you keep your ladders?"

Cylindrical blocks may be cut from broom sticks or dowel rods and wrapped in appropriately labeled covers. Cloth. Rolls of various kinds of cloth should be collected for the dry goods store. Hats. Hats may be made for the millinery store from any of the materials commonly used. This is a good way for girls to develop their ingenuity and resourcefulness. The Store Front.