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I can remember the interview as well as if it had happened last night we sat up until two o'clock in the morning in that library of his with the marble busts and the leather-bound books and the double windows looking out over the Charles, where the wind was blowing a gale. And at last he said, `All right, Claude, go ahead.

"He will come back; I tell you that he will come back," she answered, almost fiercely; "for your life and his are intertwined yes, to the end a single cord bearing a double destiny. I know it; ask me not how; but be comforted, for it is truth. Moreover, though it be sharp, your pain is not more than you can bear, else it would never be laid upon you."

That sum did not defray his expenses for six months, and he soon owed double that sum to his hotel, his tailor, his boot maker, to the man from whom he hired his carriages and horses, to a jeweler, in short, to all those traders and shopkeepers who contribute to the luxury of young men.

Also, Dewitt named a salary bigger than Luck had ever received in his life, and nearly double what the Acme had paid him. Luck spoke of his Big Picture, and when he outlined it briefly, Dewitt did not say that it seemed to lack action. Dewitt had watched Luck with his keen blue eyes, and had observed that Luck owned that priceless element of success, which is enthusiasm for his work.

"El Supremo," overjoyed at the intelligence, promised to double the reward for securing the long-lost runaways. A delicate and difficult matter still; for there was yet the hostility of the Tovas to contend against.

There was a cruel lump on his crown and he knew blood was streaking his face but on the whole he did not believe he was very badly hurt perhaps after the double beating the other fellow had received at his hands he was worse off than Perk an idea that started the latter chuckling, even if the act caused him a sudden dart of pain that made him wince.

Condell, and took his leave; but, at the door he hesitated, and then, looking down a little sheepishly, said, "Mr. Wardlaw, may I offer you a piece of advice?" "Certainly." Then, double the insurance on the Shannon, if you can. With these words he slipped out, evidently to avoid questions he did not intend to answer.

Nothing more than sheer equality is being claimed for her, and the claim in her case has a double strength, since it is made valid not only by her own interests but by those of the future. The future must be protected, and therefore she who is its vessel must be protected.

The "Nordenskiold," he said to himself, would follow the same course as the "Vega." It was therefore necessary that she should be equally successful in making the first part of the voyage, and double Cape Tchelynskin, but they might not be able to do this, since it had only been accomplished once.

"The other stockin's got a hole in it," said she, "an' I'm makin' 'em match." "Cuttin' a great big hole in a stockin' heel on purpose to darn? Mandy Pratt, you ain't?" "I am," replied Amanda, with dignity. "Well, if you ain't a double and twisted old maid!" gasped Mrs. Babcock. Amanda's long face and her neck were a delicate red. Mrs. Babcock laughed a loud, sarcastic cackle.