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It consisted first of a dance, then a double-up; then another dance, then another double-up, and so on. "'Some stupid hoax, I suppose! said the artist, as I put the parcel into his hands. He looked gloomy enough, poor fellow. "'Don't be too sure of that, if you please, sir, said I, and vanished. "Everything was a good joke to uncle all that evening.

"It's simply that I have this ter this dislike of sleeping alone." Naturally, my first thought was how easy it would be to cut our visit short. But I did not say this. Had it been a true solution, Frances would have said it for me long ago. "Wouldn't Mabel double-up with you?" I said instead, "or give you an adjoining room, so that you could leave the door between you open?

Crash came the shell, and it exploded with a deafening roar more on the side of the road than the previous one, and near enough to shower mud and water all over me as I lay there. "Now then," I yelled to my man, "double-up before they range the next one," and jumping up we raced away. Not before I had got well clear, and near the old railway station, did I stay and rest.

Maybe he used to carry a spear, or play double-up parts on the haymow circuit; but that's about all. He's a common, everyday, free lunch frisker, Mac is. I used to know all about him when I was in the newspaper business; so this is a straight steer.

From the preparation and determination made to break through the line here, Kershaw ordered Lieutenant Colonel Bland, with the Seventh, Colonel Henagan, with the Eighth, and Colonel DeSaussure, with the Fifteenth, to double-up with Cobb's men, and to hold their position "at the sacrifice of every man of their commands."

Bertram reached over with a cane of some pale, translucent green wood, selected to match his pale green tie and the marvelous green opal which held it in place, and prodded his friend severely in the ribs. "Double-up Lucy; the sun is in the sky!" he proclaimed with unwonted energy. "Listen. I cut this out of yesterday's Evening Register.