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The English coasts are most thickly dotted, but this is to be expected from the greater proportion of shipping; next in the scale is Ireland, and then Scotland, which has comparatively few black dots, the densest portion being on the west coast, from Ayr to Largs, where we count eleven, nine indicating total wrecks. In the Firth of Forth there are but three, one total.

But this was daylight and I was a scientist; my eyes were in excellent order, and my mind rested after a dreamless sleep; so I had to record what I saw in that little outhouse. This chocolate-colored mass with its myriad ivory dots was the home, the nest, the hearth, the nursery, the bridal suite, the kitchen, the bed and board of the army ants.

I then made a little hook, wrote down a list of offences, and commenced making a dot over against each, whenever I detected myself in the commission of one. I had become very watchful over my thoughts, and was honest in recording all evil; so my book became a mass of black dots; and the reflection that occurred to me of omissions being sins too, completed the panic of my mind.

He marked a series of dots upon the blotting-pad, for this conversation took place during the afternoon. "Claws!" I cried. "That eerie call! like the call of a nighthawk is it some unknown species of flying thing?" "We shall see, shortly; possibly to-night," was his reply.

And though it was faltering and uneven, Charley read it and smiled with delight. As he slowly ticked off the letters of the alphabet and the first ten numerals, Mrs. Morton listened intently, jotting down the dots and dashes on a bit of paper. When Charley had repeated his message according to promise, he flashed out the call signal for the Wireless Patrol and promptly got a reply from Henry.

Dots of vivid colors flame and fade and pass to ledges of dank, vineclad rock and drifts of shale, as the road climbs again. At the next turn are the indistinct voices of water, commingling in a monotone and the road ceases to be, as the cool silver of a mountain stream cuts through it, with seemingly inconsequential meanderings, but with the soft arrogance of a power too great to be denied.

And she had to make her choice of one, and tell the prince she did love him, but... Dots are the best of symbols for rendering cardisophistical subtleties intelligible, and as they are much used in dialogue, one should have now and then permission to print them.

Now engravings for that kind of printing were usually in stipple work dots, you know so the prints on these knobs can easily be distinguished from those of the transfer printing. See? Now, this one is " "Er, of course, William, any time " interposed Bertram again, his eyes twinkling. William stopped with a laugh. "Yes, I know. 'Tis time I talked of something else, Bertram," he conceded.

Still farther out moving dots indicated the progress of hardier swimmers; one in particular, a girl capped with a brilliant red kerchief, seemed to be already nearer to Hamil than to the shore.

"No particular reason only " "Yes, go on be a pal." "You won't repeat it?" "No fear." "There was a West Country guide book on his table one day and I happened to glance at it." "Um." "Ever heard of Polperro?" "Yes." "On one of the maps Polperro had a pencil line ringed round it and a couple of very small dots marked in certain places." "That might have been years old." "It wasn't.