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It's what Uncle Alexei always says about you, that you've learnt from Dostoieffsky how to be noble, and it's become a habit with you." "If you're going to believe " I began angrily. "Oh, I hate him! I listen to nothing that he says. All the same, Durdles, this passion for nobility on your part is very irritating. I can see you now making up the most magnificent picture of my nobility.

Poor fellows like Gorky and Dostoieffsky have to form their own reflections on the scenery, without the assistance of large quotations from Schiller on garden seats; or inscriptions directing them to pause and thank the All-Father for the finest view in Hesse-Pumpernickel.

In no country on earth is there such unaffected good-will, such open hospitality, such an instinctive respect for personal liberty liberty of thought and of manners such tolerance for the frailties of human nature, such an abundance of what the great Russian novelist Dostoieffsky called "all-humanness" and St. Paul called "charity," as in Russia.

A. BRÜCKNER. A Literary History of Russia. 1908. 12s. 6d. net. MAURICE BARING. Landmarks in Russian Literature. 1910. 6s. net. The last-named are the best available books in English on Russian literature. The works of the great Russian novelists are now accessible to English readers. Nothing helps one to understand Russia so well as reading the works of Tourgeniev, Tolstoi, and Dostoieffsky.

I hereby declare to Sasha Kropotkin and Cunninghame Graham that my heart is with their Russia, the Russia of Tolstoy and Turgenieff and Dostoieffsky, of Gorki and Tchekoff, of the Moscow Art Theatre and the Drury Lane Ballet, of Peter Kropotkin and all the great humanitarians, great artists, and charming people whom their very North German Tsars exile and imprison and flog and generally do what in them lies to suppress and abolish.

Russian culture is still so comparatively recent that it has not yet passed out of the imitative stage; and, in spite of the work of Pushkin, Gogol, and Dostoieffsky, the books that are read and studied in Russia are for the most part translations from foreign authors.

TOLSTOI. War and Peace. Heinemann. 3s. 6d. net. Anna Karenin. Heinemann. 3s. 6d. net. The first of these is perhaps the finest treatment of war in modern literature, the subject being the Russian campaign of Napoleon in 1812. No other book gives one a better idea of the way the Russians make war and of the essential greatness of the Russian national spirit. DOSTOIEFFSKY. The Brothers Karamazov.

So be it, so be it!" DOSTOIEFFSKY, The Brothers Karamazov. "The French are a decent civilised lot of people; but I wish we were not allies of Russia." This, or something very like it, is the spoken or unspoken thought of a very large number of persons, especially among the working-classes in England at the present time.

Poor fellows, like Gorky and Dostoieffsky, have to form their own reflections on the scenery, without the assistance of large quotations from Schiller on garden seats; or inscriptions directing them to pause and thank the All-Father for the finest view in Hesse-Pumpernickel.

"But no! he has humour, and he sees life as it is. I shall be able always to tell him the truth. With Nicholas it is always lies...." She suddenly sprang up and stood before me. "Now, do you think me noble?" she cried. "Yes," I answered. "Ah! you are incorrigible! You have drunk Dostoieffsky until you can see nothing but God and the moujik!