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"He has got friends likewise, Mr. Cameron; and I am sure I was proud enough to do him a kindness, and he knows it well." "And how much may Donald be owing you, I wonder?" "Only a little matter of £20. You see he had got into " "Dinna fash yoursel' wi' explanations, James. Dootless Donald has his faults; but I may weel wink at his small faults, when I hae sae mony great faults o' my ain."

"Yes, Mr Todd, I will tell you that," replied the deacon. "The private sodger has dootless often a mind superior to the general's; but he maun still keep the ranks. Mind is naething in this affair station is everything. Look at Mrs Margaret Waldie a cleverer cratur doesna exist that is, in her ain way; but did she ever dare to counsel me?

"Ye are bound for the ordinary, my lord?" said the cynic; "weel, ye canna do better there is choice company there, and peculiarly selected, as I am tauld, being, dootless, sic as it is desirable that young noblemen should herd withal and your noble father wad have been blithe to see you keeping such worshipful society."

And when this point had been reached, it had been so naturally and unobtrusively reached, that even the servants only remembered the first days of Maggie's residence at Drumloch, as a time when "Miss Promoter dootless had a sorrow o' her ain, and keepit much to hersel'."

Speak low, if ye maun speak, but sometimes it's wiser no to speak ava'. Dootless the sodgers'll be giein' Andrew Black a ca', but he kens brawly hoo to tak' care o' himsel'." When the horseman approached it was seen that they were driving before them a boy, or lad, on foot. Evidently they were compelling him to act as their guide.

"Oh! he's come again he's come again!" she replied, in the midst of an effort to catch a spittle to wet her parched throat. "He's been at Will Pearson's, and Widow Lindsay's, and Rob Paterson's he's gaun his auld rounds and dootless he'll be here too. O Marion! Marion! gie me a spark to weet my throat." The door was again opened, and in came Widow Lindsay in great haste and terror,

There's Camerons I wadna go bail for, if Prince Charlie could come again; but let that flea stick to the wa'. And the McFarlanes arena exactly papist noo; the twa last generations hae been 'Piscopals that's ane step ony way towards the truth. Luther mayna be John Knox, but they'll win up to him some time, dootless they will." "How old is young McFarlane?" asked James.

Then followed dead, solemn silence. Robbie was content to wait till the effect of the speech should be dissipated in smaller talk. Then he gravely said: "The kirk wad be a gran' thing, nae doot, an' they wad a' dootless" with a suspicious glance toward Bill "rejoice in its erection.

I dinna gang a fit till I hae seen Meg," said Saunders doggedly. "Your affairs are dootless verra important, but sae are mine. Your lad maun een wait wi' patience till I gang hame, the same as I hae had mony a day to wait. It's for his guid." Jess stamped her foot.

It would hae been nae loss if she'd ne'er spoken on the matter; but if you think makin' money, an' hoarding money is the measure o' your capacity you ken yousel', sir, dootless. Howsomever you'll go to your ain room now; I'm no going to keep my auld e'en waking just for a common business body."