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The town constable, vastly excited, came up the street, accompanied by two or three stern-visaged citizens. "Well, by thunder!" growled the officer, wiping his forehead. "Somebody's been making a wholesale job of it. Dick Hurdle's 'Jackie' and Bert Little's 'Prince' are dead as doornails. That makes three. Now, who the hell, "

I ought to have known beforehand that terrestrial animals of the higher types never by any chance reach an oceanic island in any part of this planet. The only three specimens of mammals I ever saw tossed up on the beach were two drowned mice and an unhappy squirrel, all as dead as doornails, and horribly mauled by the sea and the breakers.

'I don't know how we're going to feed everyone to-morrow, said Walker. 'Things will be going pretty bad if we can't get some grain in from somewhere. Alec pushed back his plate. 'I wouldn't worry about to-morrow's dinner if I were you, he said, with a low laugh. 'Why? asked Walker. 'Because I think it's ten to one that we shall be as dead as doornails before sunrise.

So persistent was his attitude that at short intervals throughout the entire winter rumours that "th' hopper eggs is dead 's doornails" stirred the community and set its members to making tests in a vain endeavour to establish their truth.

But she would not own that they were dead, and hoped on against hope, until the day when Perks came up to see the garden, and told her quite plainly that all her roses were as dead as doornails. "Only good for bonfires, Miss," he said. "You just dig 'em up and burn 'em, and I'll give you some nice fresh roots outer my garden; pansies, and stocks, and sweet willies, and forget-me-nots.