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Do you remember my boss tellin' that night in the woods how he lost his money in the fire o' '35?" "Yes." "Wal, I guess it had suthin' t' do with that. One day the boss an' me was out in the door-yard, an' a stranger come along. 'You're John Thompson, says he to the boss; 'An' you're so an' so, says the boss. I don't eggzac'ly remember the name he give." Tilly stopped to think.

Some of the ladies were knitting lace on two little needles that had sealing wax on one end, so the stitches could not drop off. There was much pleasant chatting. The country ways of sociability had not all gone out of date. They walked down to the lower end, where the houses were rather irregular and getting old. Two or three had a small grass door-yard in front.

His emotions of mingled excitement and regret were such that he could not trust his voice; but as they drew near to where Arthur and Sadie were sitting, he purposely drew away from Pert, and feigned a look of general indifference, which was masterly in its way. "I may possibly stay down to-night, Arthur," called Checkers, as he drove out of the door-yard Tuesday morning.

I choose to open my tale with the day on which I took possession of my newly purchased country-house. It was a pretty little cottage, wooden, old-fashioned, a story and a half high, with a long veranda, a shady door-yard, and a sunny garden.

Time you gets a collection o' choice flowers in your door-yard, you'll have 'bout the most desirable residence in the hull state of Wyoming. Ain't you satisfied? What's the matter?" "I'm just some worr'ed, Gid," Kiddie answered, flinging a leg over the arm of his chair. "My!" exclaimed Gideon. "What in creation 've you gotter worry about?" "Just the cabin," Kiddie answered dreamily.

An especially splendid sunset seemed to have been prepared to welcome them when, after a long day's journey, they drove into a wide, green door-yard, where a white colt, a red cow, two cats, four kittens, many hens, and a dozen people, old and young, were gaily disporting themselves.

The herders looked as if they would enjoy murdering them all, but they did not say a word. With their dogs at heel they scrambled down the bluff in the wake of their sheep, and the Happy Family, rolling cigarettes while they watched them depart, told one another that this settled that bunch; they wouldn't bed down in the Flying U door-yard that night, anyway.

Locating the position of the hole by the little circular "door-yard," we can now certainly distinguish a new feature, not before noted, at the centre of each two sharp curved prongs, rising an eighth of an inch or more above the surface and widely extended. What a danger signal to the creeping insect innocent in its neighborhood!

The drivers of the coaches rested their horses there, and watered them from the spring that dripped into the green log at the barn; the passengers scattered about the door-yard to look at the Lion's Head, to wonder at it and mock at it, according to their several makes and moods.

Suiting action to the thought, I swept into the openings of two or three of the holes quite a quantity of loose earth scraped from the close vicinity, and thus completely obliterated the opening of burrow, door-yard and all.