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"My darling little girl." He stopped and steadied his voice as he kissed her tenderly. "There, don't worry, trust old Dad to put things straight as he did your broken dollies. Go early to bed, dear, and get some rest." "Rest!" Kathleen strove to suppress all trace of bitterness.

The dull day brightened wonderfully after that, and the time flew pleasantly, as tongues and needles went together. Grandma peeped in, and smiled at the busy group, saying, "Sew away, my dears; dollies are safe companions, and needlework an accomplishment that 's sadly neglected nowadays. Small stitches, Maud; neat button-holes, Fan; cut carefully, Polly, and don't waste your cloth.

Let's all go in search of something to eat!" cried all the other dollies. "When Mistress had me out playing with her this morning," said Raggedy Ann, "she carried me by a door near the back of the house and I smelled something which smelled as if it would taste delicious!" "Then you lead the way, Raggedy Ann!" cried the French dolly.

Mark doesn't say, 'I want Mary's dollies. Papa doesn't say, 'I want Mamma's workbox." "But I want Sarah." "And that's selfish and self-willed." Mamma sat down on the low chair at the foot of the bed. "God," she said, "hates selfishness and self-will. God is grieved every time Mary is self-willed and selfish. He wants her to give up her will."

I have seen some rather elaborate dollies, intended to be worked with amalgamating tables, but the usual prototype of the quartz mill is set up, more or less, as follows: A tree stump, from 9 in. to a foot diameter, is levelled off smoothly at about 2 ft. from the ground; on this is firmly fixed a circular plate of 1/2 in. iron, say 9 in. in diameter; a band of 3/16 in. iron, about 8 or 9 in. in height, fits more or less closely round the plate.

The boy's shepherd dog, who sat up when you told him, was the minister; and all the dollies were there, dressed in their finest gowns. The little girl was very serious and again, half frightened, felt that queer lump in her throat as she promised to be his wife.

"If I had another new little girl given me, I should want to hold fast to my little Gracie too; and you shall keep all your dollies as long as you please." Lulu and Max started on their walk to Fairview about the same time that Dr. Conly drove away with their father and Grace. Their talk was principally of the new home in prospect.

"But it was a close shave!" "Indeed it was. And you saved my Millie's life! How can I thank you!" "I didn't do so much. I guess she's scared a good bit." "She hardly realized the danger, dear child. Did you, Millie, my pet?" "The bad cow wanted to eat up my dollies!" exclaimed the little miss, with a grave shake of the head. "But oo helped me," she added, to me. "I'm glad I was here," I returned.

She could only put her head in, and part of one shoulder. What should she do? It was of no use screaming to that witch of a Frizzle; but she did scream. She threatened to "whip her," and "tie her," and "box her ears," and "burn up her dollies." But Flaxie knew she wouldn't; so she calmly pulled off her boots and put on her rubbers. Then Ninny coaxed.

Waxen ladies sat in their parlors elegantly dressed; black dolls cooked in the kitchens; nurses walked out with the bits of dollies; and the streets were full of tin soldiers marching, wooden horses prancing, express wagons rumbling, and little men hurrying to and fro.