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I don't know, however, that one wishes a great man to be graceful, so long as he's familiar. "Aha, Monsieur Devereux!" said he, "we will give you some lessons in cooking to-night; we shall show you how to provide for yourself in that barbarous country which you are about to visit. Tout voyageur doit tout savoir!"

In his forehead, at the side, was a small black wound; Jack's life had passed through it; it was little bigger than a mole. * This refers to an illustrated edition of the work. "Regardez un peu," said the landlady, "messieurs, il m'a gate trois matelas, et il me doit quarante quatre francs." This was all his epitaph: he had spoiled three mattresses, and owed the landlady four-and-forty francs.

Listen to these few lines of Regnard, and see whether something like the fleeting image of a DOLL does not cross the field of your imagination: ... Plus, il doit a maints particuliers La somme de dix mil une livre une obole, Pour l'avoir sans relache un an sur sa parole Habille, voiture, chauffe, chausse, gante, Alimente, rase, desaltere, porte.

A stranger might, in all probability, be led to suppose that he was invited to a tea-drinking party, when he receives a note couched in the following terms: "Madame R prie Monsieur B de lui faire l'honneur de venir au the quelle doit donner le 5 de ce mois."

When Dr. Selberg left Java, a Dutch pilot steered the ship as far as Passaruang. The man appeared very melancholy, and, on being asked the of his sadness, said that, during his previous trip, his wife had gambled all his savings. He had forgotten the key in his money-box, and, on going home, the last doit had disappeared. Dr.

"Right dear are you to my heart;" said he, "very willingly have I served you, and right gladly would I serve you still, if but the wealth were mine. But this realm belongs altogether to the king. Naught can I bestow, nothing is mine to spend, save only that I render him account of every doit. So little revenue is mine of this land, that it becomes me to seek my fortune beyond the sea.

You must live two years in our company before you enjoy mine, so that you may neither repent through fickleness, nor I be deceived through precipitation. Conditions supersede laws; those which I have prescribed you know; if you choose to keep them, I may be yours, and you mine; if not, the mule is not dead, your clothes are whole, and not a doit of your money is spent.

"That is true, Denys; and though women are nothing to me, I long to thank this poor girl, and reward her, ay, though I share every doit in my purse with her. Do not you?" "Parbleu." "Where shall we find her?" "Mayhap the alderman will tell us. We must go to him first." The alderman received them with a most singular and inexplicable expression of countenance.

Thou, with a ready wit, a glancing eye, a gay smile, a supple form, thou wilt not enter the lists of love? What says Voltaire of the blind god? "'Qui que tu sois voila ton maitre, Il fut il est ou il doit etre!" When my friend spoke thus I smiled, but answered nothing. His arguments failed to convince me.