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In the meanwhile, Turlington barred the window shutters of the room, and looked at his watch. It wanted only a quarter to nine o'clock. He took his dog-whistle from the chimney-piece, and turned his steps at once in the direction of the drawing-room, in which his guests were passing the evening. Inside the House. The scene in the drawing-room represented the ideal of domestic comfort.

When you have chased the herd for about two miles, draw aside half a mile on their side, and then listen for the Indians passing in pursuit of the cattle; wait ten minutes, and then blow your dog-whistle a sharp, short note. If you hear Indians following you, or think there is danger, blow twice, and go still further to the right. God bless you, boys.

The speech served to remind Parkins of his little discovery of that afternoon. It was with some considerable curiosity that he turned it over by the light of his candles. It was of bronze, he now saw, and was shaped very much after the manner of the modern dog-whistle; in fact it was yes, certainly it was actually no more nor less than a whistle.

"Sure," said I. "Miss Isabel told me that he had his Colonel's promise." Mr. Rogers slapped his thigh. "Egad, boy, it seems to me you're the good angel in this business! We'll send down to the Cottage at once." He pulled a dog-whistle from his pocket and blew two shrill calls upon it.

"What is honey?" asked Tom. "Thou hold thy noise," said Grimes. "Let the boy be," said the keeper. "He's a civil young chap now, and that's more than he'll be long if he bides with thee." Grimes laughed, for he took that for a compliment. "I wish I were a keeper," said Tom, "to live in such a beautiful place, and wear green velveteens, and have a real dog-whistle at my button, like you."

Bunny, you can tell that part." Bunny puffed himself out, and tried to speak in his most important manner. "Nell gave me the dog-whistle," he said, "and I was to whistle it if it was real necessary, not by no means else. I didn't fancy that I was a gipsy. I thought perhaps I was the driver of a fly, and that when I blew my whistle Nell would be like another driver coming to me.

As he spoke, he applied a dog-whistle to his lips, and, blowing a loud call, it was immediately answered by a savage barking, and half a dozen hounds, rough-haired, of prodigious size and power, resembling in make, colour, and ferocity, the Irish wolf-hound bounded towards him.

Both combatants eyed each other in sullen silence. "Tell me, Cis. Tell me, Diccon. I will know, or you shall have the rod as well as Humfrey." Diccon, who was still in the era of timidity, instead of secretiveness, spoke out. "He," indicating his brother, "wanted the packet." "What packet?" exclaimed the mother, alarmed. "It was the dog-whistle," said Cis.

I knew him at once by the descriptions I had read and heard, and the likeness that had been published of him. He was tall, and of a large and powerful frame. His dress was simple, and almost rustic: an old green shooting-coat, with a dog-whistle at the buttonhole, brown linen pantaloons, stout shoes that tied at the ankles, and a white hat that had evidently seen service.

Not only was the hearing range widened after consuming thirty CC of Beta, they could hear the sound of an ultrasonic dog-whistle quite plainly but the very quality of all audible sounds was curiously enhanced and altered.