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"Ach, Gott, der brendt," Hooven clasped his head, "ach, der brendt, dot maks me laugh some laughs. Dot's goot der brendt doand I see um shoor der boole mit der bleck star bei der vore-head in der middle oaf. Any someones you esk tell you dot is mein boole. You esk any someones. Der brendt? To hell mit der brendt. You aindt got some memorie aboudt does ting I guess nodt."

I cen't vind any subber. We got noddings to eat, noddings, noddings." "When do we have those bread'n milk again, Mammy?" "To-morrow soon py-and-py, Hilda. I doand know what pecome oaf us now, what pecome oaf my leedle babby." She went on, holding Hilda against her shoulder with one arm as best she might, one hand steadying herself against the fence railings along the sidewalk.

Emerica, dat's my gountry now, und dere," he pointed behind him to the house under the mammoth oak tree on the Lower Road, "dat's my home. Dat's goot enough Vaterland for me." Annixter gathered up the reins, about to go on. "So you like America, do you, Bismarck?" he said. "Who do you vote for?" "Emerica? I doand know," returned the other, insistently. "Dat's my home yonder. Dat's my Vaterland.

Hoch der Vaterland! Und der dears come to der eyes, I doand know because vhy, und der mens gry und shaike der hend, und der whole redgimend maerch off like dat, fairy broudt, bei Gott, der head oop high, und sing 'Die Wacht am Rhein. Dot wass Gravelotte." "And the monkey-wrench?" "Ach, I pick 'um oop vhen der batterie go. Der cennoniers hef forgedt und leaf 'um. I carry 'um in der sack.

"Please step aside, gentlemen," said young Vacca, who was still making the rounds of the floor. Hooven whirled about. "Eh? What den," he exclaimed, still excited, willing to be angry at any one for the moment. "Doand you push soh, you. I tink berhapz you doand OWN dose barn, hey?" "I'm busy, I'm very busy." The young man pushed by with grave preoccupation. "Two quarts 'n' a half.