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But many years ago the Buso and man had a quarrel, and after that nobody could see the Buso any more. Now, there is one way to see Buso; but a man must be very brave to do it.

But just as she was feeling unable to retrace her steps, and unable to remain standing any longer, and quite at a loss what to do, she overheard the sound of jocular language inside, and listening carefully, she discovered that it was, indeed, Pao-yue and Pao-ch'ai. Lin Tai-yue waxed more wroth. After much thought and cogitation, the incidents of the morning flashed unawares through her memory.

The only thing for us to do when we meet him again is to say we are sorry and ask his forgiveness. I'm ready to do so. Are you, George?" "Why didn't we try that on him before he gave us the whipping?" "It wouldn't have worked. When I saw him cutting and trimming that switch I knew what was coming, and there was no way for us to dodge it."

"No, sir, indeed; you make a mistake there," protested Moggridge, lying badly, and growing purple. "Who do you suspect, Jenny?" "Why, of course, it's Mr. Moggridge!" "Mr. Moggridge!" exclaimed Jenny impulsively, throwing her arms round Mr. Moggridge's surprised shoulders, and kissing him somewhere in his whiskers, "Mr. Moggridge! you are the dearest, kindest man in the world!"

'Well, she said, as he drew his chair to the opposite side of the tea-table very cosy it was, the fire shining upon them, and the canaries trilling intermittently 'Well, here we are, abandoned. We'll make the best of it, won't we? Franklin said that under the circumstances he couldn't feel at all abandoned. 'Nor do I, said Miss Buchanan, filling the tea-pot.

"Bless me, I came near forgetting it! I hope you will excuse me," and to Ephraim's delight he drew out his pocketbook. But the prospect of payment was not so bright as the young man supposed. "I don't think I have a five-dollar bill," said Mr. Montgomery, after an examination of the pocketbook. "Mrs. Montgomery, do you happen to have a five with you?" "No, I haven't," said the lady, promptly.

Equally discomforting was the information that Anjou was in the field again with a strong and well-equipped army. "We seem to have gained little by our victory," I said disconsolately. "We shall do better after our next one," said Jacques cheerily. "We learn by our mistakes, monsieur." The rival armies had apparently vanished.

By this time supper was nearly over, and the landlord, clearing the remains of the heavier fare, set fruit and wine on the board. Sergius Thord filled his glass, and made a sign to his companions to do the same. Then he stood up. "To Lotys!" he said, his fine eyes darkening with the passion of his thought. "To Lotys, who inspires our best work, and helps us to retain our noblest ideals!"

Logan, had, on the 5th of February, 1861, said: "Men, Sir, North and South, who love themselves far better than their Country, have brought us to this unhappy condition. * Let me say to gentlemen, that I will go as far as any man in the performance of a Constitutional duty to put down Rebellion, to suppress Insurrection, and to enforce the laws; but when we undertake the performance of these duties, let us act in such a manner as will be best calculated to preserve and not destroy the Government, and keep ourselves within the bounds of the Constitution. * Sir, I have always denied, and do yet deny, the Right of Secession.

By a fiction, it is supposed to be the language of the sovereign; but the emperors of China have now in their youth to make a study of Manchu, and so do the official interpreters and others whose duty it is to translate from Chinese into Manchu all documents submitted to what is called the "sacred glance" of His Majesty.