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Years afterwards Rebecca Mary remembered the dizzy dance of the bottles in the caster they seemed to join hands and sway and swing about their silver circlet and how Aunt Olivia's buttons marched and countermarched up and down Aunt Olivia's alpaca dress. She did not look above the buttons she did not dare to. If she was to keep right on being a Plummer, she must not cry.

Sometimes she smiled appropriately, and repeatedly, when asked how she felt, said, “I feel better.” In answer to questions as to how her head was, she replied several times, “My memory is gone,” also “I can’t take in my surroundings,” or “I don’t know where I am,” or “I cannot realize where I am.” Again, she spoke of being dizzy and once said it was as though the room went round.

Branchspell glared full on the wall, so that it half blinded him with its glittering whiteness. After many doubts and pauses he drew near the top. He was hot, sweating copiously, and rather dizzy. To reach a ledge he caught hold of two projecting rocks, one with each hand, at the same time scrambling upward, his legs between the rocks.

Christopher made a violin setting of it which Barbara used to accompany on the pianoforte, a setting in which the poor old song was tortured into wild cadenzas and dizzy cataracts of caterwauling after the approved Italian manner. The days went by, days that were halcyon under love's own sunshine. What matter if the mere skies were clouded, the mere material sun shut out, the wind bitter?

Here and there one would have a scornful death smile on his lips, as though he were laughing at the folly of the whole thing. The stench here was appalling. That frightful, sickening smell that strikes one in the face like something tangible. Ugh! I immediately grew dizzy and faint and had a mad desire to run.

It was on her part a change of thought that was not due to carefully reasoned considerations, to any deep study of conditions, for when she tried to argue the matter out she became involved in a thousand contradictions and her head would begin to ache in dizzy fashion.

I see above me the pinnacle which I cannot reach beneath me the abyss into which I must fall, as soon as my relaxing grasp and dizzy brain join to hurl me from my present precarious stance." "Think better of your situation, my lord," said Varney; "let us try the experiment in which you have but now acquiesced. Keep we your marriage from Elizabeth's knowledge, and all may yet be well.

She may shrink from what she feels must come; she may put her hands over her eyes to shut out the sight; but do not forget that she is a woman, and so is filled with curiosity, under any and all circumstances! And you may set it down as sure, that, though she blinds herself with her hands as she scales the dizzy heights you are leading her over, nevertheless, she will peek through her fingers!

You went to Bennings, got dizzy, did a couple of Arabs and lose the price of a wedding trip that's all. Now we must get that money back before the minister steps up to start the fight." "How can I win out $3,500 in seven weeks, I'd like to know!" Bunch moaned. "A cincherine," I came back. "I've got a scheme cooking that will put you and me all to the splendid in short order."

All about, in a narrow, earth-cut circle he bucked, beginning to grunt and warm to his work and hence to increase the deviltry and malice of his actions. Van had yelled but that once. He saw nothing, knew nothing, save a dizzy world, abruptly gone crazy about him. To Beth it seemed as if the horror would never have an end.