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"We owe you and your friends a good deal for calling attention to the natural graces, which, after all, may, perhaps, be considered as another form of manifestation of the divine influence. Some of our writers have pressed rather too hard on the tendencies of the human soul toward evil as such.

"You are a divine creature, and I love you with all my heart." "So much the better. I give myself up to you; do what you like with me, on the condition that you think of my sister no more." "That will not cost me much. I promise that I will not think of her." I found Annette a perfect neophyte, and though I saw no blood on the altar of love next morning I did not suspect her on that account.

For I now saw, in and by the farther openings of the Divine light in me, that the enemy, by his false reasonings, had beguiled and misled me with respect to my carriage towards my father.

Here are the holy Apostles, those intrepid soldiers of Christ, who went forth from the council, rejoicing that they had been found worthy to suffer for the name of Jesus. The prediction of their Divine Master was verified in them: "For they shall deliver you up in councils, and they will scourge you in their synagogues.

I say the Duke and Tom could have held out, that they meant to hold out, that they did hold out, and that there has been fistifying enough. That crowd which came in and stopped the fight ought to be considered like one of those divine clouds which the gods send in Homer: "Apollo shrouds The godlike Trojan in a veil of clouds."

In the presence of another, a man of true breeding is but faintly aware of his own self, and keenly aware of the other's self. Before the human that bush which, however trodden and peeled, yet burns with the divine presence the man who thinks of the homage due to him, and not of the homage owing by him, is essentially rude.

Now, that this faith in a special providence, in a hearing of prayer, and in divine miracles, forms an essential part of Christian religiousness, we do not need to show more in detail; it is an established historical fact, and an object of direct Christian knowledge.

We cannot say that the Divine action in the world as we know it, is either merely social or merely individual; but both. And the next question a highly practical question is, "How both?" For the answer to this, if we can find it, will give us at last a formula by which we can true up our own effort toward completeness of self-expression in the here-and-now.

Whereas metaphysical studies, though of an ingenious order of intellectual employment, are apt to bewilder some minds with vague speculations. They never know how far they have advanced, or what may be the correctness of their favorite theory. They render many of our young men verbose and declamatory, and prone to mistake the aberrations of their fancy for the inspirations of divine philosophy."

For modern sentiment, Catholic and Protestant alike, and quite independently of the view one may take of her claims to divine illumination, her death at the stake was simply a horrible and revolting wrong. In comparison with those who put her to death she was an angel of light.