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"If we had our old hay sythes here," spoke Bill, "me an' Tom could put on divin' suits an' go out an' cut the sea weed." "I'm afraid that wouldn't work," answered Mr. Henderson. "I'll think up some plan, soon." He started toward the engine room to look over the machinery. He was met by Washington, who seemed much alarmed. "What's the matter?" asked the inventor.

"Well, sir, the fact is, that my old woman thinks since I smashed my shoulder, that it's high time for me to give up divin', and take to lighter work; but I didn't know you were comin' home to-day, sir. I thought you'd been home some days already, else I wouldn't have come to you, but " "Never mind, Joe. There's no time like the present go on."

"Well," said he, "I must be goin' in. There is a story in the evenin' paper that I am readin'. Men are divin' in the seas for a treasure, and pirates are watchin' them from behind a reef. And there ain't a woman on land or water or in the air. Good-evenin'." And he trundled his pushcart down the alley and back to the musty court where he lived.

Twenty fathoms is deep water for divin' but one or two 'd been that deep before, and what one man has done another can do and I'd promised the mother to bring her son home to her. I went down and made fast the chains again, and then I went inside her to make one job of it, though I'd told the lad I'd come up after I'd made fast the chains.

"It's nice to smell this 'ere hearthy smell, sir, ain't it?" said Joe to the officer. "It seems to fill yer up inside with its flavorance." Barry smiled. "It does indeed, Joe. I love the smell of these low-lying coral islands." "I hope; sir, you won't mind my loosenin' my jaw tackle a bit; but I'd be mighty glad, sir, if you could let me come with you in the boats when we begins the divin'."

The tarp kep' 'em tolerable dry. Go over there an' get off those clothes. You must be wet through nothin' short of a divin' suit would have kep' that rain out!" "But " He forestalled the objection. "There won't be any one to bother you. I'm goin' down the creek." The girl noticed that his horse, saddled with Endicott's saddle stood close behind her. "I didn't mean that!" she exclaimed.

McGuffey's falsetto would have maddened a sheep. "He cast his bread upon the waters and lo, it returned to him after many days and made him sick. O-h-h-h-h, Scraggsy poor old Scraggsy! If he went divin' for pearls in three feet o' water he'd bring up a clam shell. Oh, dear, I'm goin' to die o' this, Gib." "Don't, Bart. I'm goin' to have need o' your well-known ability to help salvage this bark.

Vel ergo accipient æquale lumen gloriæ vel inæquale. Si inæquale, non respondebit meritis. Si æquale, ergo cum æquali lumine æqualiter Deum videbunt: alioqui si angelus perfectius videret, tunc aliquam partem beatitudinis haberet sine meritis, ex solis naturæ viribus. Becan. de Attrib. Divin., quæst. x.

"But it does seem hard," continued Maxwell in his growling voice, "after all our trouble in thin venture, to be obliged to take to divin' at mere harbour-works in Eastern waters, just to keep body and soul together."

Bridges, who was within hearing distance, shrugged with an assumption of careless indifference. "It takes more 'n a little lather to scare me," he boasted. "I'm a divin' Venus and I ate it up!" "You liar!" Lucky cried. "Why, every quill on your head was standing up and you look five years older 'n you did this morning!