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"I conceive," he says, "the Divell gets into their body and by his subtile substance more operative and searching than any fire or putrifying liquor, melts the yielding Campages of the body to such a consistency ... and makes it plyable to his imagination: and then it is as easy for him to work it into what shape he pleaseth."

Therefore with mighty diligence did ye Divell apply himself to poyson ye minds of ye people, shewing unto them in artful wise how that by idleness or by righteous dispensation had ye poore become poore, and that, soche being ye will of God, it was an evill and rebellious thing against God to seeke to minister consolation unto these poore peoples.

Soche like specious argumentations did ye Divell use to gain his diabolical ends; but by means of a grace whereof none then knew ye source, these men and these women unto whom ye Divell spake his hejeous heresies presently discovered force to withstand these fiendly temptations, and to continue in their Chrystianly practices, to ye glory of their faith and to ye benefite of ye needy, but to ye exceeding discomfiture of ye Divell; for ye which discomfiture I do give hearty thanks, and so also shall all of you, if so be that your hartes within you be of rightful disposition.

I'll learn ye the cul de bois, and the cul de jatte, and how to maund, and chaunt, and patter, and to raise swellings, and paint sores and ulcers on thy body would take in the divell. I told him shivering, I'd liever die than shame myself and my folk so." Eli. "Good lad! good lad!" "Why, what shame was it for such as I to turn beggar? Beggary was an ancient and most honourable mystery.

"Frier Laurence, my lord, now holy water help us! Some witch or some divell is sent to delude us: Haud credo Laurentius that thou shouldst be pen'd thus In the presse of a nun; we are all undone, And brought to discredence, if thou be Frier Laurence."

Y. M. Rob my beloved Sister of a husband! Alex. Yes, to redeeme to your mother her lost honour. Y. M. Art not a Divell? Alex. Ha! Y. M. Thy breath has blasted me. Alex. I must confes indeed I have eaten garlicke.

And those same heavens are vouchers I've kept my vowes with that strict purity That I have done my honor. Bon. I believe thee; The divell sometimes speaks truth.

Then, whiles that they journeyed together, began ye Divell to discourse of theologies and hidden mysteries, and of conjurations, and of negromancy and of magick, and of Chaldee, and of astrology, and of chymistry, and of other occult and forbidden sciences, wherein ye Divell and all that ply his damnable arts are mightily learned and practised.

But I am in that prevented too: his breath's quite gone allready, and all the Christian duty I have now left for thee is to close thy eyes with a short prayer: mayst thou be in heaven, Amen. Now Don Diego, & Don Thunderbolt, or Don Divell, I defye thee. Enter Don John arm'd. Pike drawes & wrapps his Cloake about his arme. Jo. Oh viliaco, diable, Anglese! Pike. A pox upon thee, Hispaniola! Jo.

Next came ye Divell into a town wherein were many people going to and fro upon works of charity, and doing righteous practices; and sorely did it repent ye Divell when that he saw ye people bent upon ye giving of alms and ye doing of charitable deeds.