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The ditty-bag weighs, with contents, 2 1/2 ounces; and it goes in a small buckskin bullet pouch, which I wear almost as constantly as my hat.

You don't go half far enough. We may not decide to exterminate the Hun race in Europe. But we have decided to exterminate their language in America." His hand was groping inside the biscuit-box. He pulled out a little ditty-bag and carefully extracted a bit of newspaper. "Listen to this, you fellows. This is from the National Obscurity Society.

Instead of replying in words, Jack took hold of a small cord that encircled his neck, and pulled his ditty-bag from beneath the bosom of his flannel shirt. This he opened with great deliberation, taking from it a small vial and a package wrapped in a piece of newspaper. "What have those things to do with mother's breastpin?" demanded Marcy. "What's in that bottle?"

While Jack was telling the boy what terrible fellows the Yankees were supposed to be, he had slowly and solemnly filled a goblet with water from the pitcher, and then in the same solemn and deliberate way drew forth his ditty-bag and took from it a small bottle containing a harmless-looking white powder known to the druggists as citrate of magnesia.

This whale got hungry once every hundred thousand years; and whenever that happened he sunk the first ship he came to and made a meal off the crew. But Jack himself always came off safe by reason of the powers of a charm which he carried in his ditty-bag.

It holds over half a bushel, carries blanket-bag, shelter-tent, hatchet, ditty-bag, tinware, fishing tackle, clothes and two days' rations. It weighs, empty, just twelve ounces. The hatchet and knives shown in the engraving will be found to fill the bill satisfactorily so far as cutlery may be required.

If it happened only once, I should think nothing of it. But when I know exactly what is coming, and have double-shotted every gun, and set up hammock-nettings, and taken uncommon care to have the weather-gage, 'tis the Devil, Lady Scudamore excuse me, madam 'tis the Devil to a ditty-bag that I have her at my mercy. And yet it always comes to money out of pocket, madam!"

So he took all his meager belongings, which he could easily carry in a blanket roll and a sailor's ditty-bag, and went down half an hour before sailing time. There seemed no one to bar his passage, and he passed up the gangplank aboard a two-funnelled, clean-decked steamer, and made his way to a smoking room aft.

There was a large wash-deck tub on the forecastle which I knew to be water-tight, and it struck me that this might be utilised to float the dry provisions until the dinghy could pick them up; so first making sure of the position of the boat I dived below and routed out of Dominguez' bunk a large canvas ditty-bag that I had often seen there, and, emptying out the clothing which it contained, proceeded to fill it with bread and such other provisions as I could most readily lay hands on.

"Sometam he'll use heem for pray. S'pose I'll want ver' much for get moose I'll play on heem an' seeng. S'pose I want for get grizzly ver' much then I seeng ver' hard for get grizzly. S'pose you'll seeng an' play, always you'll get those game, sure." "I don't see what we'd do without you, Moise," said John, who was continually rummaging around in Moise's ditty-bag.