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In some respects, the practice towards those who dissented from Elizabeth was more immoral and illogical, even if less cruel, than that to which those were subjected who rebelled against Sixtus. The Act of Uniformity required Papists to assist at the Protestant worship, but wealthy Papists could obtain immunity by an enormous fine.

"And you are preparing a trap for his capture?" inquired Britz, deliberately conveying to her the incredulity which he felt. "No, not a trap," she dissented. "I am determined to see justice done." Britz was too well aware of the average woman's distorted notion of abstract justice to accept her statement at its face value.

"They've as much right to fight for themselves as I have to fight for them." A squad of half a dozen men stood by, making no dissent, and accepting him as their spokesman. Moving in another direction, I said to a soldier, "What do you think of that regiment?" The answer was, "All right. I'd rather they'd shoot the Rebels than have the Rebels shoot me"; and none of the by-standers dissented.

"I've been building film West to order for four years now, and more. Only fun I've had, and the best work I've done, I did with a bunch of Indians I've just taken back to their reservation. For the rest, it's mostly bunk." "Not that stage-driver picture," Andy dissented. "There wasn't any bunk about that, old-timer. That was some driving!" "Some driving, yes. Sure, it was.

Matthews' features were etched in grave lines. The big, blond young giant looked rather grim. Jimmy looked on in surprise at this scene, which he could not understand. Professor Brierly dissented impatiently. "Nonsense, John. What need is there for you to go?" Matthews answered quietly: "Sorry to disagree with you, Professor, but I'm going along."

James had now suppressed rebellion; he had filled the Dissenters with fear; and he met with no resistance from his parliaments. The judges and the bishops were ready to coöperate with his ministers in imposing a despotic yoke. All officers of the crown were dismissed the moment they dissented from his policy, or protested against his acts.

During the Civil War Congress passed a conscription law. The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania pronounced it unconstitutional, and advised the issue of a temporary injunction to prevent its enforcement by the officials charged with that function. The term of the Chief Justice was about to expire. The decision had been made by three judges, of whom he was one, against two who dissented.

I had always declined being a member of the League, on the avowed ground that I did not agree in its programme of manhood suffrage and the ballot: from the ballot I dissented entirely; and I could not consent to hoist the flag of manhood suffrage, even on the assurance that the exclusion of women was not intended to be implied; since if one goes beyond what can be immediately carried, and professes to take one's stand on a principle, one should go the whole length of the principle.

"I hope you won't think it cheek," he went on rather shyly, "but I wanted you to know that that what you did for my mother assuming the disgrace, I mean, that wasn't yours hasn't been all wasted. What little I've done well, it would never have been done had I known what I know now." "I think it would," Maurice dissented quietly. Tim shook his head. "No.

The eye of Dandy kindled for a moment, for the same blood flowed in the veins of both, as he listened to the brutal words of his young master. "That boy is a fool!" said Archy, as he settled down into his reclining posture again. "He needs a whipping to sharpen his understanding." Dandy wholly and entirely dissented from this view; but of course he was not so impolitic as to state his views.