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"Nothing a disruptor can't handle, then. It'd take more than a week to mount heavy weapons." "He would depend more on speed and secrecy, even so," Corina said. "He wishes to take over; he will cause no more destruction than he must." "What about personal weapons?" Nevan asked. "The Seniors will depend on Talent.

It couldn't stand up to a hit from even a secondary disruptor, so a single hornet posed only a minimal threat to any Imperial ship larger than a courier but they were normally launched in groups, used to saturate their opponent's defenses, letting the main battlecraft use its heavier weaponry in an all-out attack.

He opened his eyes to more light in the cave than the lamp had been giving off. Scrambling to his feet, he grabbed the disruptor and moved cautiously toward the entrance then dropped it to his side as he realized the light was morning sun, not rebel field-illuminants. Good, that would give them a break!

He checked the gun almost automatically, not too surprised to find it was the disruptor he'd used in the cave, fully charged, then he re-holstered it. "Good," Tarlac said with a quiet chuckle. "You'll do fine, Dave." He settled the starstone-gemmed coronet on the newest Imperial noble's head. "Though from now on, you know, it's 'Your Grace'." "I'm really a Life Duke?" Dave asked.

He supposed he could use his disruptor to enlarge that crack in the wall just inside the cave mouth, but that would be asking for trouble; the rebels couldn't possibly miss that kind of energy release. And he didn't dare waste his firepower on that; he didn't have much to begin with.

Half a decade rebel aircars descended, and moments later he heard shouts and the sound of people forcing their way through brush. He checked the disruptor one last time, then moved back to the side passage he'd chosen. He wasn't as frightened as he'd thought he would be in such a situation, even though he was certain he'd be dead soon.

That meant he should try to make their cave defensible he snorted at the implausibility of one boy with a disruptor holding off well-armed rebels, but he'd have to do his best plus play doctor and nurse to a man who had about as much chance of living through his wounds and poisoning as the two of them did of holding off the rebels.

With the entertainment over, the rebels lost interest in their prisoner, and the ones who hadn't already been overcome by the refreshments wandered away, too drunk or, Dave thought bitterly, too confident of the Ranger's helplessness to bother posting guards. He descended from his perch, careful not to lose the disruptor.

Even the Emperor's private landing pad near the Palace wall could be covered by a heavy disruptor cannon. The Hermnaen, here, was as vulnerable as the Lindner had been when she was englobed by Arjen's fleet. As he had arranged, Tarlac met the other three at the main entry ramp. The coming encounters wouldn't be easy for them; they simply had no experience in coping with other cultures.

They were rope, so he wouldn't have to risk even low-power disruptor fire; he sawed through them, then laid the Ranger as gently as he could on the back seat. The fabric he touched was sticky-wet; he wiped his hands on his pants legs before he got back in the driver's seat and began edging the car away from the camp.