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"Custer and five companies of the Seventh have been wiped out of existence, on the Little Big Horn, by the Sioux. It's no rumor; General Merritt's got the official dispatch." "What! When?" "June 25. It's awful, boys." Sunday, of last week! Twelve days ago, and they only just now heard!

A little before this, perhaps soon after General Greene had penetrated the State, he had appointed himself a couple of secretaries for the purpose of greater dispatch in letter writing his correspondence necessarily increasing, in consequence of his connection with the more expanded operations of the army.

I am here with solid, documentary evidence. I have it in this case." He opened his shabby dispatch case, and showed it full of papers. "It implicates," he continued, "an individual who holds a distinguished position on the staff of the Secretariat." M. Croza leant forward, interested, stimulated, not displeased. "You amaze me," he said. "Take a note, Alvarez, if you please."

As the dispatch conveyed to the garrison, among other subjects of interest, bore the unwelcome intelligence that the supplies of the crew were nearly expended, an arrangement was proposed by which, at stated intervals, a more immediate communication with the former might be effected.

A full course between Earth and Grismet had to be plotted and cleared by the technicians at the dispatch center because the mass of the vessel increased so greatly with its pulsating speed that if any two ships passed within a hundred thousand miles of each other, they would at least be torn from their course, and might even be totally destroyed.

Up and spent most of the morning upon my measuring Ruler and with great pleasure I have found out some things myself of great dispatch, more than my book teaches me, which pleases me mightily. Sent my wife's things and the wine to-day by the carrier to my father's, but staid my boy from a letter of my father's, wherein he desires that he may not come to trouble his family as he did the last year.

It was highly the interest of the king of Achin to prevent this junction, and therefore, though determined to relax nothing in his plans of revenge, he hastened to dispatch Antonio Caldeira, one of the captives, with proposals of accommodation and alliance, offering to restore not only this vessel, but also the artillery which he had taken at Pase.

At 9.15 General Warren sends dispatch: "Just before receiving your dispatch to assault the battery on the left of the 'Crater' occupied by General Burnside the enemy drove his troops out of the place and I think now hold it. I can find no one who for certainty knows, or seems willing to admit, but I think I saw a Rebel flag in it just now, and shots coming from it this way.

Secretary Long sent this dispatch immediately to Acting Admiral Dewey: The President, in the name of the American people, thanks you and your officers and men for your splendid achievement and overwhelming victory. In recognition he has appointed you Acting Admiral, and will recommend a vote of thanks to you by Congress as a foundation for further promotion.

M'Connell hastily presented himself with a dispatch for Belfast. The Professor was listlessly breaking the envelope, when he uttered a sharp cry of surprise. "Hey!" cried Marston quickly. "What's up now?" "Oh!! The Pro pro projectile!!" "What of it? What? Oh what?? Speak!!"