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But it is under the influence of Paris, not London, that this book has been written by one who, though an Englishman, feels himself a European also, and, because of too vivid recent experience, cannot disinterest himself from the further unfolding of the great historic drama of these days which will destroy great institutions, but may also create a new world.

I was not to be trifled with. Solon grinned. "Well, perhaps this one wasn't so very little, only I never thought of it again until this morning. It was about Mrs. Lansdale's furniture." "Indeed," I said in cold disinterest, having designed to be told more. "Well, Mrs. Potts thinks there may be something in it." His effort was to seem significant, but those things are apt to fail with me.

Or possibly he had not the least care as to her past or future. Simply disinterest! This latter feeling despite the state of affairs was so desirable touched her in some deep part of her being. It was a soothing effect, a personal influence which extended about him and pervaded her part of the air.

To Roger's amazement the man in overalls started at the words with something like alarm in his expression; but as his shrewd blue eyes took them in they showed relief. "What are they?" asked Roger. The man's expression took upon itself a mask of disinterest, almost sullenness. "What you talking about?" "Those birds up there?" "Didn't see any birds. Looking to see if it would rain."

What had he to do with Garman's affairs or the affairs of those with him? The vision of the girl called Annette, as he first saw her in the dawn on Gumbo Key, stood before his eyes, and he knew how false his attempts at disinterest. Life had caught him up in a net with other lives. He thought of Garman, and groaned behind set teeth.

But then we tell them to use so-and-so's breath sweetener or whosit's non-immunizing deodorant they'll immediately become the life of every party they attend! It's a lie, of course, but it's a dynamic lie! It gives the frustrated individual something to do! It sells him hope and therefore activity and inactivity is a sort of death!" Holden looked at Cochrane with a dreary disinterest.

Lloyd George answered this argument in a crushing way, when he said: We cannot, unless we abandon the whole basis of the League of Nations, disinterest ourselves in an attack upon the existence of a nation which is a member of that league and whose life is in jeopardy. That covenant, as I understand it, does not contemplate, necessarily, military action in support of the imperilled nation.

Are you fugitives?" Momus nodded. "Come then to Pella," the shepherd urged. "You will be fed there; Titus will not come there. We are poor but we are happy and we are safe." Laodice thanked him so inertly that he sensed her disinterest, and while he sat looking at her, searching his heart for something kind to say, she put out her hand impulsively and took his.

"Oh," she said, with all the tonelessness of disinterest, and went on with her stitching. She must have sensed my frame of mind, for, after a moment, she paused from her sewing and looked at me. Your first sea funeral, Mr. Pathurst? "Death at sea does not seem to affect you," I said bluntly. "Not any more than on the land." She shrugged her shoulders. "So many people die, you know.

"They have now the expressions of indifference of disinterest without the prejudice as if they say, 'Ach! those troubles of ours, three thousand eight hundred years in the B.C. nearly come to six thousand years before now Ach! those troubles, say this philosophic-now lady and gentleman, of the House of Ptah of Babylonia 'such a silliness those troubles and frets; it was not the while-worth that we should ever have sorrowed, because the scheme of time and creation is suchly big; had we grasped but its bigness, and the littleness of our span, should we have felt griefs?