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It is disgusting to be forced into a measure of this kind, but in hard warfare it is often needful to the carrying out of his schemes for a general to leave a part of his troops to fight to a finish, and without hope of rescue, as valiantly as they may; and all he can do for their reward is to recommend them earnestly to the care of the Gods.

Sometimes she thought it would be amusing to let him have them full in the face, for she felt she should die of him unless she once in a while stupefied him; and sometimes she thought it would be disgusting and perhaps even fatal.

Vitus's dance, of which such love maladies largely consisted, sickened him, degraded him in his own eyes like some disgusting physical infirmity.

I have no objection to cigars in the open air, though I think them disgusting in the house." "Thank you," I said as she sat down and I took another Havana for the one I had thrown away at her arrival. "Will you relate to me the manner of your discovery? I would rather not read."

Having had no food except the toasted ox, a disgusting form of nourishment and being besides unused to walking far, I was so utterly worn out on arrival that at first I cared for nothing but to lie down under the shade of a bush. But after the Field-Cornet had given us some tea and bully beef, and courteously bidden us to share the shelter of his tent, I felt equal to further argument.

It was disgusting to drink, and the conversation was disgusting, too about nothing but poverty and illnesses. But before they had time to empty their first cups there came a loud, prolonged, drunken shout from the yard: "Ma-arya!" "It looks as though Kiryak were coming," said the old man. "Speak of the devil." All were hushed.

When Magua reached the cluster of lolling savages, who, gorged with their disgusting meal, lay stretched on the earth in brutal indulgence, he commenced speaking with the dignity of an Indian chief. The first syllables he uttered had the effect to cause his listeners to raise themselves in attitudes of respectful attention.

"He's about three years younger, and he's an awful fool," said Jim, "but he's very much in love with Sally, and she certainly seems to like it!" "I think that's disgusting!" said Miss Toland. "Has he a JOB?" "Job? He's a genius, my dear aunt. His father pays for his music lessons, and his mother gives him an allowance. He's a pianist." "H'm!" commented the lady briefly.

'The disgusting beast! Selina exclaimed slowly, solemnly. 'He enjoys the right the legal right to pour forth his vileness upon me; but when he is so lost to every feeling as to begin to talk to you in such a way ! And Mrs. Berrington paused, in the extremity of her reprobation. 'Oh, it was not his talk that shocked me it was his believing it, the girl replied.

Thus they assumed a prominence, amidst the desolation of the early centuries, of which the railway in the nineteenth speedily robbed them. * Font says of Garces: "He seems just like an Indian himself... and though the food of the Indians is as nasty and disgusting as their dirty selves the padre eats it with great gusto." Dr. Coues had planned to publish a translation of Font's important diary.