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The stranger, spoke like a man who wrapped a portion of his thoughts in reserve, and his companion listened as one who comprehended more than it might be seemly or discreet to betray. With this secret and yet equivocal understanding of each other's meaning, they entered the dwelling, and soon found themselves in the presence of those they sought.

It's a matter of discount " "Send him to Mr. Vermont. I know nothing of his bill or his discount. Surely you know that, Norgate," Leroy interrupted impatiently. The discreet Norgate retreated silently; and ten minutes later Leroy started for his morning canter in the Row.

Moreover, when he had become prosperous enough to build a new theatre with the proceeds of "Die Zauberflote," he was wise enough to give a generous commission, unhampered by his customary meddlesome restrictions, to Beethoven; and discreet enough to approve of the highly virtuous book of "Fidelio."

It contained a burlesque and licentious poem, called the "Palladium," in which the king scoffed at everybody and everything in a manner he preferred not to make public. Voltaire in Berlin might be trusted to remain discreet. In Paris his discretion could not be counted on. Frederick wanted the poem in his own hands.

But the instant they reached the school gates the line dissolved and Judith was surrounded by an excited mob. "Oh, go on, tell us, Judy." "Whatever were you doing on the platform?" "Who is he, anyway?" "Don't be a piker! Tell us, Judy." "Fancy Miss Meredith whisking him off like that." "Is he really Miss Ashwell's?" But Judith, though triumphant, was loyally discreet.

At last, I bethought me, to send for the different competitors, and converse with them on the subject quietly; and I found in Thomas Shovel, the tacksman of Whinstone- quarry, a discreet and considerate man.

John marvelled what need of money could have come upon the boy in the last twenty-four hours, but he was too discreet a friend to take advantage of necessity to ask questions, and said, 'The fact was, I was thinking of running up to town to get a sewing-machine for your sister, but if I start by the earlier train, I can see Poulter on the way, and if he does not want it himself, he can tell me where to dispose of it to the best advantage.

The ancient keeper weakened at the earnestness of the young man. "And thou wilt permit no eye to see thee enter or come forth from the valley?" "Most cautious will I be most secret and discreet." "Canst thou open the gates?" "I have not forgotten from the daily practice that was mine for many weeks." "Then go, and let no man know of this. Amen give thee success."

Her nostrils distended and quivered. But she drew herself in check, returned the inclination of head, and turned to the man. "Come with me, Floyd," she said simply. "I want you now." "What the " he began explosively, and quit as suddenly, discreet enough to not round it off. Where the deuce had his wits gone, anyway? Was ever a man more foolishly placed?

Cannon with the animadversions of the leading article which Arthur Dayson had composed, and Mr. Cannon had approved, only twenty-four hours earlier. As Mr. Cannon shut the door at the head of the stairs, she saw him give a discreet, disdainful wink to Dayson. Then he turned sharply to Hilda, and said, thoughtful and stern: "Your notebook, please."