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When Messer Folco heard what it was that his man had to say, Messer Folco frowned sternly, and expressed a disbelief so emphatic and so angry that there was nothing for the poor servitor to do but to call Maleotti himself, who, with great seeming reluctance and with many protestations of regret, that must have made him seem like a particularly mischievous monkey apologizing for stealing nuts, repeated, with a cunning lack of embellishment, the plain statement that he had made to the retainer.

For if it be certain that God will punish disbelief in doctrines essential to salvation, and certain that any Church possesses the knowledge what those doctrines are, does it not follow that a man who goes about persuading people to reject those doctrines should be treated as we treat a mad dog loose in the streets of a city?"

Haller in "The Stranger" almost the entire roll of the "Legitimates". Showed we any signs of disbelief, proof was forthcoming: handbills a yard long, rich in notes of exclamation: "On Tuesday Evening! By Special Desire!!! Blessington's Theatre! In the Meadow, adjoining the Falcon Arms!" "On Saturday! Under the Patronage of Col. Sir William and the Officers of the 74th!!!! In the Corn Exchange!"

'So we are not all bankrupts, you see, dear brother-in-law. Andrew had become so demoralized by his own plot, that in every turn of events he scented a similar piece of human ingenuity. Harriet was angry with his disbelief, or say, the grudging credit he gave to the glorious news.

It was, therefore, with great pleasure, that I extracted from my military friend some curious particulars respecting that time; they are mixed with that measure of the wild and wonderful which belongs to the period and the narrator, but which I do not in the least object to the reader's treating with disbelief, providing he will be so good as to give implicit credit to the natural events of the story, which, like all those which I have had the honour to put under his notice, actually rest upon a basis of truth.

It is that of the African explorer of whom this gentleman was just speaking. I mean the Earl of Chetney. The other was the name of his brother, Lord Arthur Chetney." The men at the table fell back as though a trapdoor had fallen open at their feet. "Lord Chetney!" they exclaimed in chorus. They glanced at each other and back to the American with every expression of concern and disbelief.

Knightley looked up at his audience, and whether or no he mistook their breathless silence for disbelief, "I did," he implored. "Twice I refused, and twice they tortured me. The third time I was so broken, the whistle of a cane in the air made me cry out with pain I was sunk to that pitch of cowardice " He stopped, unable to complete the sentence.

"Indeed, mayster," replied Jacob, with a dry cough of disbelief; and glancing at Juniper, who had assumed, and was endeavouring to keep up on his cunning countenance, an appearance of injured virtue. "Yes, indeed, Jacob," said his master; "and we mustn't be too hard upon him. He did wrong, no doubt, and he has made the best amends he could.

They are sending the men of Saratov to dig the ground in the Government of Stavropol, and the Stavropol men to the Saratov Government for the same purpose. Then besides that there is 'nonparty' criticism: "'When it is time to sow they will be shifting muck, and when it is time to reap they will be told to cut timber. That is a particularly clear expression of the peasants' disbelief in our ability to draw up a proper economic plan.

What effect the magnificent wrath and outraged trust in her eyes had upon me! "Russ, do they dare insinuate you came to Sally's room?" For myself I could keep silent, but for Sally I began to feel a hot clamoring outburst swelling in my throat. "Sally confessed it, Diane," replied Wright. "Sally!" A shrinking, shuddering disbelief filled Miss Sampson's voice.