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"Say, man, don't talk lak dat ter me you sho hurts my feelin's. I nebber stole dat sheep. I nebber go atter de sheep, an' I weren't studyin' 'bout no animals. I was des walkin' long de road past a man's house whar dis here big, devilish-lookin' old sheep come er runnin' right at me wid his head down an' I lammed him wid er stick ter save my life, sah.

"Dis, she not cure seek mans, neider. She " He pressed a tiny spring which Weary had not discovered and laid the case open upon the ground. "You see?" he said plaintively. "She not good for Patsy she tree-dossen can-openaire." Weary stared blankly. Happy Jack came up, looked and doubled convulsively. Can-openers! Three dozen of them.

"I do not want to spoil dis expedition," emerged from a cloud of protestations, and then I was able to disentangle "a commission shush a small commission for special risks!" "Special risks" became frequent. I let him explain himself out. It appeared he was also demanding an apology for something I had said. No doubt I had insulted him generously. At last came definite offers.

"Well, now, tellin' the simple trufe, he ain' much hurt." The doctor turned slowly and cautiously in bed. "Have you seen Honoré Grandissime?" "W'y das funny you ass me dat. I jis now see 'im dis werry minnit." "Where?" "Jis gwine into de house wah dat laydy live w'at 'e runned over dat ah time."

Something clutched at her breath: "Are those the Rocky Mountains?" she suddenly asked, appealing to the stolid porter. She told Belle long afterward, she knew her voice must have quivered. "Ah'm sure, Ah c'dn't say, Miss. Ah s'pecs dey ah. Dis my first trip out here." "So it is mine!"

"You wouldn't listen to reason, you wouldn't listen to Hys, or me, or to any voice that suggested an alternative to complete destruction. You are going to destroy Dis, and it's not necessary! There were a lot of ways you could have stopped it. You didn't do any of them, and now it's too late. You'll destroy Dis, and in turn this will destroy Nyjord. Ihjel said that, and now I believe him.

Dat's why I taken my feet in my hand an' come hurryin' back yere f'um dat grocery sto' where I'd done went to git a bottle of lemon extractors. I seen yore sister settin' in dat Mistah B. Weil's candy sto', drinkin' ice-cream sody wid a passel of young folks, an' by dat I realise' I'd done lef' you 'lone in dis house wid a young man dat's a stranger yere, an' so I come right back.

Three uv 'em he 'moved from me to a better worl'. Not as I'm a man what'd wanter be sackerligious; but 'pears to me dar was mo' wuk fur 'em to do in dis hyer dark worl' er sin dan in de realms er glory. I may be wrong, but dat's how it seem to a pore nigger like me." "The Government won't pay for yer wife, Matt," said the owner of the market waggon. "Dat dey won't, en dat dey cayn't," said Matt.

"Meppy you don't know dot me, I haf peen practice on der quiet dis long time, so as to surbrize you all," came the proud reply. "Feel dot muscle, Seth, undt tell me if you think idt could pe peat. Gymnastics I haf take, py shiminy, till all der while I dream of chinning mineself, hanging py one toe, undt all der rest. Meppy you vill surbrised pe yet. Holdt on, don't say nuttings, put wait!"

"See," he said, "dere vas der pook vich make mankind brudders. I tell you how you help. I vas poor. I haf no money. I lif on noddings, und dem noddings I peg. Ven I see you und you dot money gif me, I say 'Dis man he haf soul! He shall be save. Den I say more as dot. I say he shall join his hand mit me.