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"If I buy the place, for of course it will have to be sold, he is welcome to remain at Rawdon Court." "And he would deserve to do it if he were that low-minded; but if I know Squire Percival, he will go to the poor-house first. Fred, you would surely scorn such a dirty thing as selling the old man out of house and home?" "I want my money, or else I want Rawdon Manor."

There were other travellers on the old Turkish trail, horsemen, Bosnians in great dark claret-coloured turbans, or Montenegrins in their flat khaki caps, peasants in dirty white cotton pyjamas, thumping before them animals with pack-swollen sides, soldiers only recognizable from the peasants by the rifle on their backs, and Turks; most were jolly fellows, and hailed us cheerfully.

This dirty business was carried out in the name of one Vauvinet, a small money-lender; one of those jobbers who stand forward to screen great banking houses, like the little fish that is said to attend the shark.

'Oh, it is just like a dream! she cried, as she watched Charles' movement and saw that there were two places laid. 'Am I to sit down with you? she said in an awe-struck voice, 'and in that lovely chair? I am glad I wore my best gown. It won't dirty the chair a bit.

"Come on, if you want to fight!" shouted Johnny, brandishing his fists. "I don't want to fight; but you are a mean, dirty blackguard, or you wouldn't have treated a girl like that," replied Tommy, standing as stiff as a stake before the bully. "Say that again, and I'll black your eye for you." "Once is enough, if you heard me; but I will tell your father about it." "Will you? Just say that again."

Clifford overruled his more prudent if not more honorable purposes; and, as he was compelled to seek a lawyer, the questionable moral standing of Perkins decided his choice. He wished one, in short, to do a certain piece of dirty work: and, as if in anticipation of the future, he dreaded to unfold the case to any of the veterans, the old-time gentlemen and worthies of the bar.

For fire was opened on them with machine guns. Everyone was mowed down everyone of those poor, naked, bleeding lads was killed murdered by that treacherous fire from behind! "We heard all the details of that dirty bit of treachery later. We captured some German prisoners from that very trench.

You must lie perfectly still and rest and sleep for days." "My hands are dirty; my face feels so hot and sticky; my boots hurt." It was her longest speech as yet, and it trailed off in a whisper. "Well, I'm a fine nurse!" It annoyed him that he had never thought of these things. But then, awaiting her death and thinking of her comfort were vastly different matters.

Bonaparte Blenkins waited to observe what effect his story had made. Then he took out a dirty white handkerchief and stroked his forehead, and more especially his eyes. "It always affects me to relate that adventure," he remarked, returning the handkerchief to his pocket. "Ingratitude base, vile ingratitude is recalled by it!

"No," she responded dully, after a long silence, "no, this won't work out with me: fate has chewed me all up! ... I'm not a human being any more, but some sort of dirty cud ... Eh!" she suddenly made a gesture of despair.