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As soon as Edith came in he showed her a tiny frame carved with rosebuds. 'Regarde, he said, his eyes beaming. 'Voila! C'est mignon, n'est-ce-pas? On dirait un petit coeur! Ravissante, hein? He gazed at it lovingly. 'Very sweet, said Edith, laughing. 'Who is it for? 'Why, it's for your mignonne, Dilly. I've cut out a photograph of hers in the shape of a heart. Gentil, n'est ce pas?

Oui, c'etait par un soir joyeux de cabaret, Un de ces soirs plutot trop chauds ou l'on dirait Que le gaz du plafond conspire a notre perte Avec le vin du zinc, saveur naive et verte. On s'amusait beaucoup dans la boutique et on Entendait des soupirs voisins d'accordeon Que ponctuaient des pieds frappant presque en cadence.

She had eaten some consomme, a bit of fish and an omelette. But she was beautiful, gentle as a lamb; and she had a skin on dirait du satin. Had not Monsieur noticed it? I replied, with some over-emphasis, that I had not. "Monsieur rather regards the inside of his books," said Antoinette. "They are generally more worth regarding," said I.

He cleaned out the cage, put in fresh food and water, and then, pointing to the fat old couple, the grandparents, who stopped lazily a-bed, sitting up and rubbing their noses together, whilst their juniors scampered merrily about their affairs, 'Tiens! On dirait Monsieur et Madame Denis, he cried.

Mais ici ..." "Tu grognes? On va r'devenir homme, c'est tres bien!" "C'est idiot! Qu'est-ce qu'elles vont faire ici!" "On dirait c'est du militarisme francais!" "Le militarisme francais j'm'en f ! Tu verra, cela va faire encore du travail pour nous."

And he began to quote: "Si ma fi-fi-fiancée me voyait, Elle m' dirait en me donnant cinq sous: 'Va t' faire raser! mais moi, j' répondrais Que moi j'ai toujours les mêmes deux joues." V. was away for an hour and a half and when he did return it was to announce that he had been unable to phone because the line was blocked under pressure of important operations.

I thanked him, and replied nothing would give me greater pleasure than to have something which had belonged to him. "Je ne regarde jamais mes partitions sans etre gagne par la tristesse et sans penser que de morceaux a retoucher! En composant, je n'ai jamais connu d'autre muse que l'ennui." "On ne le dirait pas," said Mademoiselle, wanting to join the conversation.

She was also washed specklessly clean. An aroma that no soap or artificial perfume could give disengaged itself from her as she moved. Her gold-bronze hair was superbly ordered. I noticed her arms which the sleeves of the gay garment left bare to the elbows; the skin was like satin. "Et sa peau! On dirait du satin." Confound Antoinette! She had the audacity, too, to come down with bare feet.

Quelles délices, quel délire, Dans sa bouche et son sourire! Et sa voix qui ne dirait Que le rossignol chantait? Qu'elle est belle la marquise! La marquise! ma marquise! Bel amour est sa devise, Et sa profession de foi Est: je vous aime aimez moi! Qu'elle est belle la marquise! "Oh, how interesting!" cried Lilly. "I shall die if I don't find out something more about him."

"She came of a handsome family: Blowitz's famous description,'de loin on dirait un Prussien, de pres un imbecile, was made of a near relation of the Duchesse d'Aosta." With the fall of the Government my diary of that year ceases to have the smallest interest.