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There, sure enough, the young Jewess was waiting, and after tenderly embracing Phenee, and smiling softly at Diniz, she turned to Vincent and placed a bag of gold in his hand. "This is your reward. May you and your little ones live in happiness!" she said earnestly. "We leave Goa to-night, senora. My life would be worth nothing if I stayed here after this.

"Thank you; and if I can aid, rely on my help," Lianor murmured, bravely. Then, bending reverently to press a last kiss on the pallid brow, she allowed Diniz to lead her from the room to her own home. In the hall they were met by Don Garcia, in a terrible state of anxiety for his daughter. "Where have you been, Lianor? What is the matter? You look ill!

Dom Diniz therefore determined not to exterminate the Templars, but to change them into a new military order, so in 1319 he obtained a bull from John XXII. from Avignon constituting the Order of Christ. At first their headquarters were at Castro-Marim at the mouth of the Guadiana, but soon they returned to their old Templar stronghold at Thomar and were re-granted most of their old possessions.

"Yes; though for my grandfather's sake I cannot deeply regret it," Miriam answered, gazing at Diniz with tear-dimmed eyes. "I have not thanked you yet for having released me from that dreadful place, or even a worse doom. I am still scarcely able to realize my good fortune. What made you, a stranger, think of one whom all others had forgotten?" "Not all.

Lianor gazed helplessly from one to the other, then, breaking from her friend's gentle hold, staggered forward. "Where are you going, Lianor?" Diniz asked, anxiously. "To him. I must see for myself the terrible truth." "Can you bear it?" "Yes oh, yes!"

I wish some one else had brought the awful tidings," he cried hoarsely. Lianor stood perfectly still, and her eyes grew wide and her face blanched with awakened fear. Clasping her hands piteously together, she said: "Tell me now. I am brave can bear anything! Is it Luiz? Is he ill in danger? Oh, Diniz, for pity's sake tell me!"

It early became one of the first centres of learning in Portugal, having begun to teach in 1269. It helped Dom Diniz to found the University of Lisbon, now finally settled at Coimbra, with presents of books and of money, and it only acknowledged the king in so far as to give him a pair of boots or shoes when he chanced to come to Alcobaça.

Through his father Gonzalo d'Albuquerque, the Lord of Villaverde, he was descended, but illegitimately, from King Diniz; and through his mother from the Menezez, the great explorers. Brought up at the court of Alphonzo V., he there received as liberal and thorough an education as was possible at the period.

Diniz took it up and examined it attentively, then a low cry broke from his lips, and his face grew pale. "Where did you get this?" "I have just bought it. It is a very pretty toy for a gentleman," Phenee broke in persuasively. With almost eager haste Diniz bargained for the poignard, and at last managed to bring the Jew down to ten times the sum he had given the fisherman.

"Poor girl! Poor Lianor! Hers is indeed an unhappy lot!" Diniz murmured pityingly. In a large, handsome room, overlooking a shining river, now ablaze with sunshine, sat a beautiful woman, wearing on her face unmistakable signs of sadness. She scarcely heeded the opening door, until two pretty children came bounding to her side, clambering onto her chair and lap.