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Dinah, the last-named, had been thus far fast asleep; and provoked with herself that she had lost a share of the gossip, she gave Bessie a vigorous push with her foot as she passed her, not through charity, nor yet through malice, but through a sudden spasm of ill-nature. Bessie gave a groan and sat up.

"Then I do hope for her sake that Dinah will buck up and get well." "Thanks, old chap." Scott held out a friendly hand. "I'm sorry you're having such a rotten time. Come along to me any time when you're feeling bored! I shall be only too pleased when I'm at liberty." "You're a brick, sir," said Billy. "And I say, you'll send for me, won't you, if if " He broke off.

"But I'm not asking you to do anything very outrageous, and I shouldn't ask it at all if I didn't know you wanted to do it. Besides, you promised. It's generally considered the respectable thing to do to keep one's promises." That reached Dinah. She wavered perceptibly. "Lady Grace will be so vexed," she murmured. He snapped his fingers in careless disdain. She turned appealingly to Scott.

"Now my spetty-curls," she added, hunting in the "uppest drawer" till she found the eyeless spectacles used for playing "old lady." With these on, Flyaway thought she could see the way a great deal better. Horace's boots would help her up hill; so she jumped into those, and clattered down the back stairs with Dinah under her arm.

He seemed to be considering the matter. "There doesn't seem to be much point in staying on," he said finally, "unless things improve." "But they will improve," said Dinah quickly. "At least at least they ought to." "A fortnight of bad weather isn't particularly encouraging," he remarked. "Of course it isn't! It's horrid," she agreed.

But in that long interval Dinah had made great advances in household cleverness, and this morning, since Seth was there to help, she was bent on bringing everything to a pitch of cleanliness and order that would have satisfied her Aunt Poyser. The cottage was far from that standard at present, for Lisbeth's rheumatism had forced her to give up her old habits of dilettante scouring and polishing.

Dinah laid it sideways on the window ledge, where the light was strongest, and then opened it with her forefinger. The first words she looked at were those at the top of the left-hand page: "And they all wept sore, and fell on Paul's neck and kissed him."

In order to break the spell that bound him he gave the mother a pretty cottage on the estate, and a few acres of land rent-free, and went up to London to forget, amid its gay scenes, the bright eyes that had sorely wounded his peace. "Dinah North was not a woman likely to bear with indifference the pangs of disappointed ambition.

"Well, youngster, must I take you?" he said, trying to smile, when Addy stretched out his arms ready, with the usual baseness of infancy, to give up his Uncle Seth at once, now there was some rarer patronage at hand. "It's cut me a good deal, Dinah," Adam said at last, when they were walking on. "Didst find him greatly altered?" said Dinah. "Why, he's altered and yet not altered.

"You can't tell me any thing about him that I should think too good to believe," said Zoe. "He's our family doctor, you remember; and, of course, we are all attached to him on that account, as well as because of the relationship." "Yes, to be sure. There, Dinah, you may carry away my hat and cloak," Ella said, divesting herself of them as she spoke, "but leave the satchel.