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But his cheeks were one red glow, his eyes were bright, and in his laugh, when he finished, was infinite hope. If it had been Mother who had first taken charge of the camp and converted it to respectability and digestible food, it was Father who really ran it, for he was the only person who could understand her and Crook McKusick and the sloppy Kid all at once.

Simple heating will not prevent bread from turning sour in the rising, while boiling will act as a preventative. So the milk should be thoroughly scalded, and should be used when it is just blood warm. Too small a proportion of yeast, or insufficient time allowed for the dough to rise, will cause the bread to be heavy. The yeast must be good and fresh if the bread is to be digestible and nice.

Nan had decorated the rooms with yellow and red, hung the walls with riatas, strings of red peppers and the like, obtained Spanish guitar players, and added enough fiery Mexican dishes to the more digestible refreshments to emphasize the Spanish flavour. She wore a dress of golden satin, a wreath of coral flowers about her hair, and morocco slippers matched in hue. The afternoon was fine.

Cheese is not usually digestible by the sick, but it is pure nourishment for repairing waste; and I have seen sick, and not a few either, whose craving for cheese shewed how much it was needed by them.

Fried potatoes, as they are very generally served, are almost as digestible as rocks, but not so tempting in all their grease-dripping beauty as the latter. Many of you have doubtless seen the potatoes neatly sliced and dumped into a frying pan full of hot lard, where they were permitted to sink or float, and soak and sob for about a half hour or more.

Of this repair the brain is the sovereign ajint by night and day, and the blood the great living material, and digestible food th' indispensible supply. And this balance of exhaustion and repair is too nice to tamper with: disn't a single sleepless night, or dinnerless day, write some pallor on the face, and tell against the buddy?

When a schoolgirl, in her chemistry, studies the reciprocal action of acids and alkalies, what is there to hinder the teaching her its application to the various processes of cooking where acids and alkalies are employed? Why should she not be led to see how effervescence and fermentation can be made to perform their office in the preparation of light and digestible bread?

Whether raw or cooked, cheese seems to call for the harder kinds of bread crusty rolls or biscuits, zwieback, toast, pulled bread or hard crackers. A soft, crumbly cheese is best for cooking. Cheese is sufficiently cooked when melted, if cooked longer it becomes tough and leathery. Baking-soda in cheese dishes which are cooked makes the casein more digestible.

This science regarded the age 'Old persons use less nutriment than young'; the season 'In winter abundant nourishment is wholesome, in summer a more frugal diet'; the bodily condition 'Lean persons should take little food, but this little should be fat, fat persons on the other hand should take much food, but it should be lean'. Respect was also paid to the digestibility of different foods 'white meat is more easily digestible than dark' and to their preparation.

Had it been the aim of all the cookery in the world, to make it as bad as possible for the health of body and soul, I know not that things could have been worse than they are now. Very few things, indeed, are made more palatable, more digestible, or more nutritious by it the legitimate and only ends of all the efforts of our fashionable cookery.