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I respect the evidence of my contemporaries, but I cannot forget the sayings of the Father of medicine, Ars longa, judicium difficile. I am not presuming to express an opinion concerning Veratrum viride, which was little heard of when I was still practising medicine.

On the 23rd February 1798 Bonaparte wrote: 'Opérer une descente en Angleterre sans être maître de la mer est l'opération la plus hardie et la plus difficile qui ait été faite. There has been much speculation as to the reasons which induced Bonaparte to quit the command of the 'Army of England' after holding it but a short time, and after having devoted great attention to its organisation and proposed methods of transport across the Channel.

My dear Sir, La destruction a atteint son terme, l'oeuvre de reconstruction commence. Elle sera tres difficile, mais je n'en desespere pas, et j'y prendrai quelque part sans sortir de ma cellule. Quelle vie que la mienne!

He was now an intelligent man of sixteen, but dyspeptic and difficile. It will be generally admitted that Beethoven's Fifth Symphony is the most sublime noise that has ever penetrated into the ear of man. All sorts and conditions are satisfied by it. Whether you are like Mrs.

He was engaged upon a most difficult stroke when Chris entered, and she stopped behind him lest she should disturb his aim. But he turned round at once to her, leaving the balls untouched. "Mais non!" he declared lightly. "I cannot play with my back to my hostess. It is an affair très difficile, and I must have everything in my favour." "Oh, don't let me spoil your luck!" she said.

"So far," I could not help saying to my friends, "I have seen no signs of the 'roughing it' for which you prepared me. I call this luxurious." "Yes, this is very comfortable," said Herr von Walden. "At Silberbach, which we shall reach to-morrow evening, all will be much more homely." "But that is what I like," I maintained stoutly. "I assure you I am not at all difficile, as the French say."

Too well haf I learned how difficile it ees to get anyzing from zeese barbarians." "They are hard, madame," explained Janice, "because they deem us foes." "But women cannot be zare enemies, and yet ze women ze worst are. Ma foi! Weez ze army I kept through ze wilderness, ze bois, from Canada, and not one unkind or insult did I receef, till I came to where zere were zose of my own sex.

Besides, Emma no longer seemed inclined to follow her advice; once even, Madame Bovary having thought fit to maintain that mistresses ought to keep an eye on the religion of their servants, she had answered with so angry a look and so cold a smile that the good woman did not mention it again. Emma was growing difficile, capricious.

Hector was rolling down his sleeves and loosening the string of his leathern apron. Suddenly he turned. "But, Monsieur," he said, "come, I have news! It is a situation un peu difficile; but it can not be concealed, and what can not be concealed may best be revealed." "What news?" asked Dunwody. "More bad news?" "Not in the least, as we of my household regard it. With monsieur, I am not so certain.

I made some enquiry concerning a fern which grew above the roadside, when we had passed through Martigny Bourg, and Joseph answered that one did not see it often in this country. "It is a seldom plant," said he. "It live in high up places, where it was difficile to catch, for one shall have to walk over rocks, which do not what you say? They go down immediately, not by-and-bye."