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And we find full recognition of the superior claim of the larger morality in that other virile dictum of Bishop Magee, "I would rather have England free, than England sober." That is, "I would maintain the conditions which make for the highest civilisation even at the price of a certain number of lapses in personal and domestic morality."

But the failure of these sciences to give us a picture of the living world in no way invalidates their truth, or deprives them of their utility. Consider, as an example, Spinoza's psychological law freely expressed in the dictum that Paul's idea of Peter tells us more about Paul than about Peter.

"Beauty is only skin deep," said the philosopher, and no truer dictum was ever uttered. The merely beautiful woman, who possesses only beauty and nothing else, is kept so busy thinking of her looks, and is so anxious to observe the impression her beauty makes on others, that she has neither the time nor the inclination for matters of greater importance.

After this flat contradiction of the court's former dictum, what happened? Mr. Webster won his case, and the Chief Justice made not the slightest reference to his own previous and directly conflicting opinion! Need we give it more attention now than Marshall did then? Mr. Webster maintained the same position long afterward, in the Senate of the United States, in opposition to Mr.

But secondly, without committing ourselves to Professor Hudson's dictum that personality implies limitation, we have to point out that we are not concerned to defend any inference that might be drawn from the infinity, in the sense of the "allness" of God.

But does farming in the Dutch Republics pay? Most emphatically, No. I am not making this assertion because I have tried it myself, I am simply quoting the dictum of every Boer. I have been careful to obtain a consensus of opinion on this question for the guidance of those who may contemplate embarking upon such an unsatisfactory and dangerous undertaking. Farming does not pay.

"Once and for ever." Did ever woman use such words before? And I believed them! 'Did you speak to the mother? I asked in a fit of desperation. 'There was no time for that. The cloak, you see, made it less awkward. My offer was a sort of OBITER DICTUM a by-the-way, as it were. 'To the carriage, yes. But wasn't she taken by surprise? 'Not a bit of it. Bless you! they always know.

Your job would be merely to keep the natives working at top speed. It is ... uh ... unfortunate, that they are high enough in the cultural scale so we cannot, under the Snyder dictum, colonize their planet and work it ourselves. But we will chan ..." he broke off as though realizing he was saying too much, and Hanlon stiffened inwardly. This was a real clue. What planet was the man talking about?

"Oh, quite well! only a trifle tired with her journey, and fluttering- like," Mrs. Berry replied to Ripton alone. The lover had flown aloft. The wise woman sagely ushered Ripton into her own private parlour, there to wait till he was wanted. "In all cases where two have joined to commit an offence, punish one of the two lightly," is the dictum of The Pilgrim's's Scrip.

Epaminondas's famous dictum about his own table, that "Treason and a dinner like this do not keep company together," may be said to have been anticipated by Lycurgus. Luxury and a house of this kind could not well be companions.