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'Tisn't meant to be all brown and sawdusty here, that people may have it more fresh and pleasant by and by." "No; but to drive them out o' this pasture, maybe. If the cows found always the grass long in the meadow, when do you think they'd go up the hill?" A quick, restless change of position was the only answer to this; an answer most unlike the natural calm grace of Diana's movements.

Diana's heart was too sound and her head too clear to allow her to be more than to a certain degree distressed at not hearing from Evan. She did not doubt him more than she doubted herself; and not doubting him, things must come out all right by and by.

But all the same, she did care; and she would fain have been the only one to receive Diana's revelations, if she could have managed it. And by what devil's conjuration had the truth come to be revealed, when only the fire and she knew anything about it. Mrs. Starling chewed the cud of no sweet fancy on her road home. Diana did become ill.

'He wishes to see me? 'Yes, ma'am. He apologized for disturbing you. 'He must have some good reason. What could it be! Diana's glass approved her appearance. She pressed the black swell of hair above her temples, rather amazed, curious, inclined to a beating of the heart. Dacier was pacing about the drawing-room, as in a place too narrow for him. Diana stood at the door.

"Certainly I want you to rehearse for to-night." "To rehearse? Rehearse?" Olga's voice rose in a sharp crescendo of amazement. "Surely" bending forward to peer into Diana's face "surely you are not going to keep Max waiting while you rehearse?" "It's impossible for us to meet to-day," replied Diana steadily. "I had forgotten the Duchess's reception." Olga made a gesture of impatience.

The widow, fascinated, frozen still, let fall her arms of ivory, and, as she gazed, her beautiful neck, strained in horror and astonishment, received upon its snow the rapture of Diana's shine. The effigy, so like her husband, yet so altered, reached towards her his hand, on which a diamond caught the moon, and seemed to drink it.

Do not bring your African servant with you, as I am afraid his face frightens the girls. After all, he is not pretty, is he? I have an idea you will be pleased with your visit this time. "Yours sincerely, At half-past three next day, Edgar Caswall called at Diana's Grove. Lady Arabella met him on the roadway outside the gate.

He grew a little calmer presently under Diana's influence, and went slowly back to the house. He avoided the open window by which Charlotte was sitting. He had not yet schooled himself to meet her questioning looks. He went to the room where they were to dine, a duller and darker apartment than the parlour, and here he found Mr.

He was evidently a trifle shy and embarrassed, stammering a little as he offered his services to superintend the pitching of their camp, with eyes that would wander from the elder cousin to Diana's small, impish, alluring face. "Have some tea with us first," said she.

"Diana's imagination was in working order last night," volunteered Mack. "To my positive knowledge Curly ain't washed or shaved for three days." "You've drunk of the Hassayampa too, Mack!" Curly ran the comb through his black locks vindictively. "What's the effect of that draught?" asked Enoch. "You never tell the truth again," said Curly. Na-che's voice floated in.