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She cut in the don't-disturb barrier and dialed Holati's ship. It took a while to get through; he was probably busy somewhere in the crate. Like Belchik Pluly, the Commissioner, while still a very wealthy man, would have been a very much wealthier one if it weren't for his hobby. In his case, the hobby was ships, of which he now owned two.

It was about ten o'clock by the silver dialed clock in the living room of the doctor's house, when Prudence Fennell knocked at the open kitchen door. "What do you want, child?" said Mrs.

"Alcoholism will be on his records. It narrows the search considerably." As he dialed the NYRT Corporation, the expression on his craglike face was almost pleasant. It was good, for a change, to find that a human could retain some significant facts. "But surely you remember your goricae?" the Regenerator was saying. "No," Caswell answered wearily.

Trigger glanced over the headlines, while a few items dissolved slowly here and there and were replaced by more recent developments. Under the "Science" heading a great deal seemed to be going on, as usual, in connection with plasmoid experiments around the Hub. She dialed in the heading, skimmed through the first item that appeared.

And see if you can get me a couple of tickets on the next flight to Beta City. I'll be over in a couple of hours and pick her up." He cradled the phone and dialed the operator again. "I want the phone number of Skyline Tower 1024, Beta City, Mr. Alexander. Yes. I'll wait. This number is HUV 2-1278 and my name is Kennon, Dr. Jac Kennon 47M 26429. I called you before. No, I'm a transient.

I can refer you to Dr. James Brainard, Huntersville Medical Center. Yes, I'll accept charges. Now will you give me that number? BCA 7-8941 thank you." Kennon hung up, dialed the number, and waited. "Hello," he said. "Mr. Alexander? This is Dr. Kennon. Yes I suppose you do, but I've been trying to get back to Kardon for the past month. You are?

"Not that one; the one with the whisper mouthpiece," he said. "This is private union business." Melroy shrugged and indicated another phone. The man with the union steward's badge picked it up, dialed, and held a lengthy conversation into it, turning his head away in case Melroy might happen to be a lip reader. Finally he turned. "Mr.

The man in the Literate smock nodded and hurried out. Cardon dialed William R. Lancedale's private number. When Lancedale's thin, intense face appeared on the screen, he reported swiftly. "The way I estimate it," he finished, "Latterman put Bayne up to making a pass at the girl, after having thrown out Pelton's nitrocaine bulbs.

One development described, and soon to be put into service in New York, transforms a telephone number dialed by a subscriber into speech. Although the subscriber says not a word the number dialed is spoken aloud to the operator.

Sergeant Williamson executed an automatic salute and about-face and raced from the room. The Colonel picked up the telephone on the desk. The County Hospital was three miles from "Greyrock"; the State Police substation a good five. He dialed the State Police number first. "Sergeant Mallard? Colonel Hampton, at 'Greyrock. We've had a little trouble here.