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Dalrymple took the head of the table, and stirred the punch into leaping tongues of blue flame till it looked like a miniature Vesuvius. "What diabolical-looking stuff!" I exclaimed. "You might, to all appearance, be Lucifer's own cupbearer." "A proof that it ought to be devilish good," replied Dalrymple, ladling it out into the glasses.

There were only three or four sailors on deck, weird, almost diabolical-looking creatures, Lesbia thought, in striped shirts, with bare arms, of a shining bronze complexion, flashing black eyes, sleek raven hair, a sinister look.

Next morning I went out into the road, where I had noticed a diabolical-looking old gander, that, for its doughty exploits in the way of scratching into forbidden enclosures, had been rewarded by its master with a portentous, four-pronged, wooden decoration, in the shape of a collar of the Order of the Garotte.

"What passed between you and that diabolical-looking man in those few minutes?" she asked at length. "I have sold my soul to him. I feel it; I am no longer the same. He has taken my self, and given me his soul in exchange." "What?" "You would not understand it at all.... Ah! he was right," Castanier went on, "the fiend was right! I see everything and know all things. You have been deceiving me!"

Don't you see don't you comprehend how every description of the most insulting contempt, envious feeling, wickedness, ill-temper, and avarice of the vilest kind gleam out of the green, cat's-eyes of that little gypsy abortion are legible in every wrinkle of his diabolical-looking face? Yes! I am going to rescue that beautiful child out of the clutches the Satanic clutches of that brown monster!

So I felt, especially when I saw the diabolical-looking little villain soon after appear on deck. I promised the informer that I would not forget him, and would be on my guard, though I did not give him any credit for disinterested motives in mentioning what had occurred. I had no difficulty by daylight in recognising my friend the captain, nor shall I again forget his ugly mug in a hurry.

I had surmounted a hill, and had nearly descended that side of it which looked towards the east, having on my left, that is to the north, a wooded height, when an extraordinary scene presented itself to my eyes. Somewhat to the south rose immense stacks of chimneys surrounded by grimy diabolical-looking buildings, in the neighbourhood of which were huge heaps of cinders and black rubbish.

These are strange times, Mogue, and that was a very suspicious place of refuge to which you brought me; however, it will go hard or we shall make Mr. Frank Finnerty speak out, and to some purpose too. Get me soap and towel quick -I do not wish to be seen with this diabolical-looking face upon me." "That I may be blest, sir, but the same face surprises me. Wisha, then, Mr. Frank, might one ax "

"What has passed between you and that diabolical-looking man in those few minutes?" she asked at length. "I have sold my soul to him. I feel it; I am no longer the same. He has taken my self, and given me his soul in exchange." "What?" "You would not understand it at all.... Ah! he was right," Castanier went on, "the fiend was right! I see everything and know all things.