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These would be traded to other tribes; so day and night, Mr. MacKenzie, Eric and I, with hired spies, dogged the footsteps of trappers, who were awaiting the breaking up of the ice; shadowed voyageurs, who passed idle days in the dram-shops of Lower Town, and scrutinized every native who crossed our path, ever on the alert for a glimpse of Diable, or his associates.

"Alas!" replied the unknown, "it is easy to see that you are a weak mortal, and that you are happy enough never to have raised yourself above your sphere, otherwise you would know that if we, as you say, know the past, the present and the future, this science is silent as to what regards ourselves, and that the things we most desire remain to us plunged in the most dense obscurity." "Diable!

In another part of the meadow the seconds of Lieut. Feraud were urging him to go over and shake hands with his adversary. "You have paid him off now que diable. It's the proper thing to do. This D'Hubert is a decent fellow." "I know the decency of these generals' pets," muttered Lieut. Feraud through his teeth, and the sombre expression of his face discouraged further efforts at reconciliation.

The French then say "le diable se fait hermite," but these men, as a rule, have never been devils, neither do they become angels; for, in order to be really good or evil, some strength and deep breathing is required.

"That's right, old chap. Deuced queer, eh? I say, Deveaux, step up and pound on the door. You've got a card, you know." "Que diable!" exclaimed the count, sinking into the back-ground. "We might reconnoitre a bit," said Bazelhurst. "Have a look at the rear, you know." Around the corner of the house they trailed, finally bringing up at the back steps. The windows were not only dark but boarded up.

Father Holland raised his torch and could see nothing on the water but the glassy reflection of our own forms. He said it was a phantom boat I had seen; and, truly, visions of Le Grande Diable had haunted me so persistently of late, I could scarcely trust my senses. Frances Sutherland's torch suddenly appeared waving above the flats. I put muscle to the oar and before we had landed she called out

It's you that ought to be down there, not yon poor brute," said Guérin. "Tuts then! A horse! I'll make him good to Hamon." "And, unless I'm mistaken, you promised him not to ride the Coupée," I said angrily, for I knew how George Hamon would feel about Black Boy. "Diable! I believe I did, but I forgot all about it in seeing you others crawling across.

He had ridden eighteen leagues that day; therefore his spurs were red, and his horse covered with foam, and half dead. They no longer made difficulties about letting strangers enter, therefore M. de Monsoreau went straight through the city to the palace, and asked for the duke. "He is out reconnoitering," replied the sentinel. "Where?" "I do not know." "Diable!

"Restez, mon fils! restez, it be veritablement one grand crime which dis pauvre diable have committed bot peut-etre de good God give him de penitence, and me vill not have upon mine head de blood of one sinner."

There is no one in the world who can deserve to be thought of more at all times, and in all situations, than you; for there is no one thinks so much of others. As long as there is any one worth your loving upon earth, you cannot be unhappy. I think you would have been very apt to make the speech attributed to St. Theresa: "Le pauvre Diable! comme je le plains! Il ne peut rien aimer.