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"See what a capital wing that is, a little bare, to be sure; and there's the back of a pigeon. Ma foi! you have no reason to complain. I say, is it true you are named among the compagnie d'élite?" I nodded, and ate on. "Diable! there never was such fortune.

"Then I resolved not to return home, but to go away as far as possible from my father's anger." "But your hat?" "Diable! my hat had fallen." "Like you." "I did not fall; I slipped off." "But your hat?" "Ah! my hat had fallen. I sought for it, being my only resource, as I had come out without money." "But how could your hat be a resource?"

I was presented with my reward at the prize distribution, to the tune of "Vive Henri IV." Vive ce roi vaillant, ce diable a quatre . . .!" At the same moment I received, from a stout red-faced gentleman, a wet kiss much too wet a kiss which gave me no pleasure whatsoever.

It is not mal-a-propos to take notice here, that though La Fleur availed himself but of two different terms of exclamation in this encounter, namely, Diable! and Peste! that there are, nevertheless, three in the French language: like the positive, comparative, and superlative, one or the other of which serves for every unexpected throw of the dice in life.

The people of Stockholm, though they had let her depart with indifference, received her back right cordially, and, when she made her first reappearance as Alice, in "Robert le Diable," the welcome had all the fury of a great popular excitement.

You think of nothing but envelopesone is enough. I’ve no witnesses ... except one, perhaps,” he smiled thoughtfully. “Who is your witness?” “He has a tail, your excellency, and that would be irregular! Le diable n’existe point! Don’t pay attention: he is a paltry, pitiful devil,” he added suddenly.

"You think he has talent, really?" he asked in a tone that implored a favorable reply. "I always thought him very intelligent . . . a little of the diable, perhaps, but character changes with years. . . . Now he is an altogether different man."

Fustov got up and with hesitating footsteps approached the window, near which Susanna and I were sitting, and asked her if she had received from Lengold's the music that he had promised to order her from Petersburg. 'Selections from Robert le Diable, he added, turning to me, 'from that new opera that every one's making such a fuss about.

They buried the hatchet very deep; the dead leaves of many moons of Cohonks lie thick upon the place where they buried it. Why have you made a warpath, treading it alone of your color?" "Diable!" cried Hugon. "Pig of an Englishman! I will kill you for" "For an handful of blue beads," said Haward, with a cold smile. "And I, dog of an Indian!

At last she had her revenge. One night at a charity concert, the fourth act of "Robert le Diable" was given, and the solo of Alice assigned to Jenny Lind. She had barely sung the first few bars when the audience were electrified. The passion, fervor, novelty of treatment, and glorious breadth of voice and style completely enthralled them.