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Brian's face blanched and his hands trembled, for he saw that her wandering mind took him for his grandsire. "Dhia agus mhuire orth," he murmured, and with a little sob the Black Woman died. Silence fell upon the dingle, as Brian gazed down at the woman his grandfather had loved, and whose love had been no less. Then Turlough pushed his horse closer, looking down with a shrewd leer.

Was there any stead near by?" "None," replied the man, who trembled with something more than cold. "M'anam go'n Dhia! She was a witch woman, or worse, Turlough Wolf. She leaped out of the snow in my path, told me to bear that skin to Yellow Brian, and vanished in a burst of fire. How could she not have been a devil?" "Nonsense!" grunted Turlough, though he suddenly laid the strip of skin down.

As soon as the Bachelor Beaver returned, Peter went on this paternal mission, for which I prepared my friend; and the betrothal was duly performed, when he said in Gaelic: "Dhia Beammich sibh le choile mo chlam! God bless you both, my children!" As soon as the ceremony was over, "Now," sais I, "we must be a movin'. Come, Peter, let us go on board. Where are the pipes?

Here there was a landing-place of hewn stone, with a gate lying open beyond it, and armed men waiting. One of these, from his bunch of huge keys and air of authority, Brian knew for the seneschal. "M'anam go'n Dhia!" he growled, peering down into the boat as it ground on the stone, "what fish have you there?" "Two salmon and ten herring, Muiertach," laughed one of the men.