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This was admitted by all who had ever seen the colleen dhan dhun, or "the purty brown girl," as she was called, and it followed as a matter of course, that Flanagan's words could imply no other than the Bodagh's daughter. It is unnecessary to say, that Flanagan, knowing this as he did, could almost have bit a portion of his own tongue off as a punishment for its indiscretion.

Putting poetry on one side, however, for the present, we made our way to the extremity of the lake, in order to pay a visit to his Highness's gaol, where we were received by a very civil gaoler, equipped with a massive sword and dilapidated shield. We found 110 prisoners in the place, employed generally in converting dhan into chawul, or, in other words, clearing the rice-crop.

They are known as Maharajas or Great Kings and their followers, especially women, dedicate to them tan, dhan, man: body, purse and spirit, for it is a condition of the road of well-being that before the devotee enjoys anything himself he must dedicate it to the deity and the Maharaj represents the deity. The daily prayer of the sect is "Om. Kṛishṇa is my refuge.

"Ay, ay," shouted several, in a breath; "what is to be done with 'em? There's no water for them that's sartin." "Why, what can be done?" responded an inhuman monster. "Chuck 'em overboard!" "Dunder an' blitz!" exclaimed a ferocious German, who appeared pleased with the idea; "dhat is de besht blan wees not can do petter dhan to glear 'em out from de sheep."

Do I not speak like Socrates, and Plato, and Cato they were all philosophers, my dear philosophe! all very great men! and so was Homer and Virgil but they were poets. Yes, yes! I know all about it! But what can anybody say more than this? We are all equal, all Got's children. I haf ten tousand a year, but I am no more dhan de meanest man alive. I haf no pride; and yet, my dear friend!