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"Will your majesty so greatly favor me as to accord me an independent position in the campaign?" "I offer you what belongs to you as a general and heir to the throne. On me it devolves to direct the plans and operations, and on you to detail them and direct the execution. I shall rejoice to see that you understand the profession of war practically as well as theoretically.

In this I have shown that no small part of the great work of education devolves, in the best circumstances and much more in circumstances which are unfavorable upon the daughter. I have shown that her whole life is a state of preparation, indeed but also, in some measure, a state of reward.

"It devolves on Charlie," I answered. He gave one quick glance beneath his lashes, and again lowered his eyes. I heard a long gasping sound, as if he found difficulty in breathing. He sat upright, and threw back his shoulders with a pitiable effort to be strong. "Is he up to the work?" he asked quietly. "I cannot conscientiously say that he is not."

Père Panpan having arrived at this crisis in his history, drew a long breath, and stretched himself back in his bed. I knew the rest. It was soon after the event last named that I made his acquaintance, and the remainder of his simple story, therefore, devolves upon me.

"No, sir; I have had some business to detain me." "It is very near to my heart that my household should set a good example. There are so few educated people in this district that a great responsibility devolves upon us. If we do not live up to the highest, how can we expect these poor workers to do so?

An old fisherman testified in our Police Court, the other day, in narrating the progress of a street quarrel; "Then I called him 'Polly Garter, that's his grandmother; and he called me 'Susy Reynolds, that's my aunt that's dead and gone." In towns like this, from which the young men mostly migrate, the work of life devolves upon the venerable and the very young.

Oratory is held in high estimation, and is the road to honour and the management of public affairs; insomuch that the eldest son of an Ulmen, if deficient in that talent, is excluded from the right of succession, which devolves upon a younger son, or the nearest male relative who happens to be an able speaker.

In the event of a failure on the part of the people to elect a President or a Vice-President of the United States, through electors duly appointed at the stated time, the duty of such election devolves upon the House and the Senate acting independently of each other.

'What concord hath Christ with Belial? What part hath he that believeth with an infidel? Come ye out from among them, and be ye separate. And, brethren, remember, a part of the separation is that your light shall be a constant condemnation of the darkness. 'But rather reprove them, says my text; that is a work that devolves upon all Christians.

"Their time is spent in riding, lounging, card-playing, and making merry with their gossips at child-bearings, christenings, churchings, and buryings; and all this conduct the men wink at, because such are the customs of the land. They much commend however the industry and careful habits of the German and Netherland women, who do the work which in England devolves upon the men.