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These at the time consisted of a company of soldiers carabiniers, under the command of a captain Don Lucas Despierto but the condition of these warriors was not one to be envied, for the Spanish government, although nominally keeping them in its pay, had for a long time neglected to pay them. The consequence was, that these poor fellows had absolutely nothing upon which to live.

"Curses upon him, if he has betrayed me?" muttered, the stranger, as if speaking to himself. "If you are speaking of Don Lucas Despierto," interrupted the carabinier, "I can assure you he is incapable of such a thing; and if I am here it is because that he has been only too discreet, senor smuggler." "Smuggler!" exclaimed the unknown, in a tone of proud disdain.

Nevertheless, he was meditating whether it would not be more prudent to accept the old hat in lieu of the liver-coloured breeches, alas! so well earned! When Pepe the Sleeper had made himself master of the secret of Captain Despierto which he had found of such profitable service he was not aware that the captain had held back another.

To end the mystery, let us say that the little coaster was a French vessel half-privateer half-smuggler and had entered the bay with a double design the disposing of merchandise and the procuring of provisions, of which the crew began to stand in need. Further we shall add, that the pilot was a skilful fisherman of Elanchovi, furnished by Don Lucas Despierto, captain of the coast-guard!

The captain was unable to conceal from his inferior a slight confusion, and his voice trembled as he pronounced the interrogation: "What! It does not surprise you?" "No," repeated Pepe, and then added in a tone of flattery: "The captain Despierto is so well-known for his vigilance and energy, that he may confide the most important post to the very poorest of his sentinels.